Page 75 of Waiting

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His dark brows lift in question.

“Mothaíonn sé seo ceart.” It hits me instantly to translate for them. “This feels right.”

“Yeah?!” Nix enthusiastically asks, damn near jumping out of his seat.

Leaning into the inexplicable warmth in my chest, I slowly nod while announcing, “This is our place.”

“This is our bloody place!” Geoffrey agrees as he slings an arm around my shoulder for a side hug.

“How about we go get real drinks to celebrate and comb over the details then?” Nix politely suggests.

“You two are on your own for that.” The statement is followed by me checking the time on my phone. “My shift starts in twenty and with the weather claiming we might get more snow I wanna get there before I have to fight the ‘Elsa is definitely here’ crowd.”

“Shift?” Our realtor looks surprised. “You’re still waiting tables?”

“Sí.” I playfully wink. “Sueños cuesta dinero.”

“He said something about money, didn’t he?” Nix cautiously asks Geoffrey. “That’s what dinero is, right?”

“I think so. I am not the best with his Spanish.”

He’s shot a sarcastic look.

“Or his bloody Irish for that matter.”

Additional laughs leave me during my preparation of exiting the building. “Geoffrey get all the final details, and we’ll meet up Sunday to review them, then Monday to sign with you Nix.”

Geoffrey grins wide. “Bloody hell, I can’t believe this shit is really happening.”

Me either.

But it is.

And just like spending the rest of my life with Harper, it feels fucking perfect.

Chapter 11


I’m late.

And I don’t just mean to this last-minute, kiss ass social dinner I’m going to.

It’s not that I hate everyone I work with or around for that matter. In fact, most of them are nice or less than annoying enough. It’s just that I’d rather use my personal time for personal things I enjoy rather than staying in the good graces of people who can end careers with one whispered rumor.

Me: Just got here. Stop by and say hi if you can. Love you.

The instant I hit send another long, slow breath is released.

Being weeks late for getting your period isn’t the type of shit you casually mention over a text to your boyfriend that you haven’t seen since he had you for breakfast because he had business meetings to attend.

It’s not something simple like “hey we’re changing laundry detergent”.


It’s definitely more in the “hey we’re changing your whole fucking life” category.

I’d convinced myself it was just a bit of stress fucking up my cycle. First prep for the family weekend, then the family weekend, and then covering a couple extra shifts to make up for taking a couple extra days. It’s not unheard of for hiccups to happen under that much pressure even when you’re on the pill. But six weeks without when you’re regular is a huge red flag – pun intended – that something is off.
