Page 90 of Waiting

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“And so what if he does, Tate?” The shoulder shrug I’m presented is unpleasant. “That’s not our problem.”


“His regrets are his. Now, if he makes it our problem or he steps over a line or crosses a boundary we have setup, that’s another story, but he has yet to do that. And I know this is hard for you to believe because you’re convinced that I’m the most incredible woman in the country-”

“On bloody earth.”

“-but the likeliness of that happening is slim to none. I am not the person for Daniel. I know that. He knows that. And I really need you to know that so we can stop replaying this fight like an Elvis Greatest Hits Album.”

Guilt grabs me by the throat, preventing me from speaking.

“Do I think there is a right woman out there for him somewhere? Maybe. Do I think he’ll find her? Possibly. Do I think he’ll keep her? Unlikely. And not because he’s hung up on me or what we had but because until he’s ready to put the work into a romantic relationship the way he does his career and friendships, he’ll never be a partner worth a damn.”

It’s my turn to let sympathy drop my shoulders.

“I would love for Daniel to have what I have with you with someone. It is…the most incredible fucking feeling I’ve ever experienced in my entire life. I…,” an awe-struck gleam coats her eyes, “get why my grandparents hated to be separated from each other for too long. And I understand the excitement of having someone you missed back in your arms. And I…God, do I finally relate to all those cheesy moments in romantic comedies where they just can’t seem to get enough of each other. I think everyone in life should get to feel this amazing with someone.” Her grip grows tighter. “But I need you to realize once and for all that you’re the only one who does this for me before you push me so far away that I ask you to leave and not comeback.”

I nod my understanding of her plea prior to planting a kiss on the back of her hand.

“I don’t wanna be a single mother, but I also don’t wanna spend the next five or ten or fifty years of our lives dealing with your insecurities regarding a man that is nothing more than a best friend.”

“You will not be a single mother.” A loving stroke is delivered to her ring finger. “You will be a married mother even if I have to sell a kidney on the black market to buy you a bloody ring.”

“I don’t need a ring. I just need you.”

I’ll figure all that shit out later.

Probably while she’s sleeping.

I’m sure I can get something at a reasonable price.

Fuck, Amazon sells that shite now.

Delivering a sweet, chaste kiss is followed by another round of nods. “Perhaps I should invite Daniel over for dinner or a pint. Make an effort to…face my adversary head on.” Her scowl starts stirring until I playfully begin smirking. “You walking around swollen with our child will only be used as emergency backup.”

“You are fucking ridiculous, you know that?”

“It’s why you fell in love with me so easily.” The playful sneer I’m shot receives another quick peck. “Now, would you like to tell me why you were crying, or should I just get up and start dinner? I have to cook tonight. If I order pizza one more time, my bank is going to freeze my card for suspicious activity.”

Humor does its best to take hold of her yet fails.

“Is it about our baby?” I nervously inquire. “Is something wrong already?”

“No,” she promptly shakes her head, “it was about work.” Her beautiful brown eyes gloss over in sadness. “A child didn’t get a transplant in time and…it got to me.” Harper inches closer, crawling into my lap. “Reminded me that you don’t know how much time you’ll have with your loved ones and to really make the most of it. To treasure the time that you do get. To…let those that you love in, even when you think you don’t need anyone because the truth is everyone needs someone. And you, Tate,” her fingertips fold at the nape of my neck, “are the man I not only want but need.”

“You have me, beautiful.” Winding my arms around her lower scrubs covered back, I sweetly smile. “In the spirit of the greatest singer of all time, I’ll always be your love, today, tomorrow, and forever.”


About four years later…


“One more for me, beautiful.” Tate’s tongue steals another swipe of my clit. “Give me one more.”

There are worse ways to wake up from a pregnancy nap than your husband handing out orgasms like it’s Halloween Candy.

Much worse.
