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“I’d like to invite our people to…” Her discard was weak—even I knew that—but the smile was wicked and full of promise. “Invite them to a revel. Celebrate our union.” She took Oberon’s hand in hers and nipped at my fingers. “There shall be a full moon.”

Superstition held that a mating on a full moon would be thrice blessed by the goddess.

“You intend to force your own heat?” Puck growled. Oh, did that change the temperature in the room.

“What a very devious little bird… perhaps you should be called a vixen instead.”

“Goddess no!” she laughed. “Bea is a vixen. I’m happy being a little bird.”



The alphas leapt at my plan, as I had known they would, and though arousal lay heavy in the air. After that hand everyone went to bed, to sleep. Or I slept. My bed was too small for all of us and choosing one felt wrong, so I barred them all from my bed. My last night before I would forever be bound to three alphas. Three weeks. I’d been prepared to kill them. Now I prepared to force my heat that I might mate two of them.

Jude had spoken of love.

I’d wait for them to declare their undying devotion first, but as we’d ridden home, I had accepted my own… affections. Jude I had been in love with for years. As an alpha he was no different. His personality the same. The only alteration was his scent and the promise of a knot. Puck had wormed his way into my most intimate sphere through the joy he brought Sarah. That had been years ago too. His bite had been the first thing I had wanted from any alpha. Oberon, oh, Oberon. I grinned into my pillow. Did I dare tell him that our professional rivalry had made me curious to know the man behind the machinations? That I would hold off mating him to ensure when his teeth broke the skin we would both be mad with need?

Of course I wouldn’t tell them any of this. Alphas didn’t need another reason to suspect I more than tolerated them. My grin broke into a laugh. How long could I last before a fight provoked me into screaming that I loved them? Maybe I could make some money on it by setting up a betting book.

The next morning,we sprung into action. Returning to the Hell to arrange for our celebration to force my heat.

Moth and Peaseblossom had agreed to take Tod back to Omega House.

I watched them leave and marvelled that a day like this had come. Arranging for my nephew to be absent that I might host a bacchanal at the Hell. How little did I recognise myself, yet how comfortable. After killing my last ghost I had slipped into the role of omega without ruffling feathers—even my own.

“I have a small question for you.” Oberon settled his hands on my shoulders, thumb rubbing against Puck’s bite. I hummed, curious what he could possibly ask me. “Have you ever fucked Moth?”

With my back to him, he couldn’t see the way my smile danced from grin to smirk to something just joyful. “Your jealousy finds a target at last.”

“I thought you would hate any jealousy.” His lips brush over the bite, sending a delicious shiver down my spine.

“Moth… Moth would be a wonderful man to fall in love with. However he is wholly uninterested in any romantic liaisons.”

“Impossible. He’s gone off with Danny and Divinity any number of times.”

“I believe they go bird watching.”

“Bird watching?” He sounded so completely flummoxed that I turned in his arms to better witness his confusion. “You’ve never slept together? But why not? He is solicitous to you. Cares for you as well as any of us.”

“And his care must mean we have had sex? There is nothing wrong with a sexless life. It is not without love. For example, he has always wanted to be a father. So Peaseblossom and her wife invited him to father theirs.”

“How did I not know this?”

“Because you had more important worries than the domestic arrangements of your doorman.” Only an alpha would be so blind. If they weren’t interested in the sky, they wouldn’t know its colour. “Now, why did you come here?”

“Have you seen the preparations for tonight?”

“I haven’t looked in to see what has been arranged. But I’m not interested in drapery or what food is to be served.”

His lips pressed into my temple. “You do not shy from me any more.”

“I do not.”

“I’ll mate you.”

“You will.” I needed our back and forth like I needed air and by the rare warmth in his eyes he felt the same.
