Page 16 of Hades is Mine

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I nodded, cupping my warm mug.

“I don’t think you should worry about such things. You don’t need to rely on anyone else. You have everything you need to defeat X yourself.”

I groaned, not agreeing with his determined insistence. “You keep saying that. What do you mean?”

He opened his mouth to say something, but Poseidon and Ares crashed into the kitchen out of thin air. Poseidon had his arm wrapped around Ares’s throat and he was laughing.

“Cry ‘uncle!’” he yelled out.

Ares tried to punch Poseidon in the ribs, but his head was locked at an awkward angle and he couldn’t get a hard hit in.

“Cry ‘uncle!’” Poseidon said again.

“Fuck! Uncle!” Ares yelled, and Poseidon let him go. The moment Ares was loose, he clipped Poseidon on the jaw with a hit that shot the other god backward through the kitchen, sending him crashing into Heracles’s fruit display.

“Cut it out, guys,” Heracles barked.

Poseidon and Ares both chuckled. It had simply been their own little bonding session, which I loved.

“If you wreck my kitchen, I’m getting you guys to come in here and fix it yourselves.”

“Don’t be such a spoil sport, Heracles,” Poseidon said, rubbing his knuckles into Heracles’s red hair. “Have a little sympathy for your uncle.”

Heracles shoved Poseidon away, but he grinned. I watched the three of them with each other, wrestling and punching as if this were a real fight, but they all laughed.

Ares came toward me and wrapped his arms around me, picking me up off the stool. Our chests pressed together, my feet dangling off the ground, and I looped my arms around his neck.

“Do you want to get in on the action too?” He waggled his eyebrows at me.

I laughed, the sound coming from somewhere deep in my soul, and it felt amazing to do anything other than mope. “I think I’m going to pass today. You look like you’re having way too much fun without me.”

Poseidon was suddenly behind me, pressing his body against me, sandwiching me between him and Ares.

“More fun without you?” he asked. He brought his mouth closer to my ear and when he spoke again, I shivered. “Never.”

“Get a room,” Heracles called from the other side of the kitchen.

“Yours?” Ares shot back.

“I’ll fucking kill you,” Heracles snapped.

“A demigod against two gods?” Poseidon taunted. “Doubtful.” He nuzzled my neck, and Ares found my lips, kissing me.

Between the two of them, I couldn’t think straight. I was already melting, even though I didn’t want to overstep in Heracles’s house.

“Come on, guys,” he said and they both released me, Ares setting me down on my feet.

They were just fucking around, after all. But when I sat back down on the stool, my knees felt like jelly and my breathing had become erratic and shallow. I glanced at Ares and the look he gave me suggested he’d only been half-joking. Poseidon adjusted his pants.

I cleared my throat and turned back to Heracles, trying to look innocent.

Heracles chuckled. “Honestly, you guys make me sick.”

Ares had some comeback, but I couldn’t hear it. My head spun for a moment, the room tilting, but it eased off.

I loved being with the guys. I adored how comfortable we were around each other. And after all this was done, this sense of warmth andfamilyamong them was something I planned on keeping in my life. I didn’t want everything to end, only X.

Because with these guys in my life, I wanted nothing else. I didn’t know why I seemed more comfortable around the gods than I did around the rest of the world, not when I was supposed to be human. But this was my life now, and damn, a surge of determination swelled within me, the pure drive to do what it took to get what I wanted.
