Page 17 of Hades is Mine

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Chapter 7


Elyse’s feelings for Hades pissed me off. But not because I was jealous about how drawn she was to him or any of the other guys. Truth be told, I was okay with that. Elyse was a big girl. She could handle herself, and nothing that happened in our relationship made me worry. We shared her, and we all agreed.

No, I was pissed because the son of a bitch didn’t deserve her affection. Elyse was stunning. Fucking perfect, inside and out. And Hades was a piece of shit who only thought about himself. How could he even consider being in her life?

I watched him from Mount Olympus, where I sat, banished by Zeus from Earth for some time now. How Hades pined to be with her but stopped himself from making a move. And I sensed how that upset Elyse. Hades led her on, only to drop her on her ass every time. And that was fucking wrong, no matter who you were. To see Elyse treated in such a way burned me up, and there was nothing I could do about it. I paced back and forth in my living room, my footsteps hitting marble and echoing around me. I’d sent Ares a message, figuring he might do something about it, but he replied with something lame, reasoning he’d stay out of it because Hades did his own thing. What sort of bullshit was that?

In my humble opinion, Hades was full of crap. Everyone got hurt. The gods couldn’t be lucky in love if they fell in love with mortals, no matter the circumstances, because of the fact that we couldn’t die. And mortals died all the fucking time. Which meant heartbreak was inevitable.

Ask someone who knew. I’d experienced my fair share of heartache over the centuries. And considering I’d survived without problems, that I was still alive and kicking, then Hades had to grow a pair of balls and face the music.

Zeus recognized everyone else had to do this eventually. I was being punished for exactly the same thing. But poor Hades was having a little wobble because he couldn’t accept his emotions.

If I had something like X to set free every time I was upset, the world would have ended eons ago.

After I heard the conversation between Elyse and Heracles about Hades and his fucked-up love life, I couldn’t sit around and let it all go down without me. If someone didn’t step in and say something, Elyse wasn’t ever going to be able to do what she needed to do. And Hades would never be forced to face the consequences of his actions. Or to face the truth about who he was. Yeah, it was a bitch to have to realize what was going on in your life, but why should Hades be the one person who didn’t have to?

So instead of sitting back and waiting for the action to take place without me, I decided to pay Hades a visit.

I still wasn’t allowed on Earth. Zeus hadn’t only banished me to Mount Olympus, forbidding me to go back to the human realm, he’d also made it so I couldn’t physically get there even if I wanted to break his rules. Which I had tried a couple of times already.

Zeus must have known I wouldn’t listen to him. He’d put some kind of magic in place that kept the gates shut, and I couldn’t get through them, no matter how hard I tried. I’d already hurt myself a couple of times attempting to break out.

I’d broken one of Zeus’s rules, and he’d punished me. What about fucking X?

Why was Hades not being punished?

Hades was hiding out in some mountains, and it would have been the perfect place to take him on. I needed to talk to the fucker. But I wasn’t going to be able to get to the mountains.

So, I left Mount Olympus and traveled to the Underworld. It was the only place I could go, the only place the gates would open to. Because technically, despite all the black and red and horror that Hades had going as his personal decor, it was still part of Mount Olympus. Technicality was a bitch Zeus hadn’t considered.

Hades was a god and the Underworld was his throne. It was part of the divine realm and it meant I could go there whenever I wanted.

I traveled to the darkened palace where we’d gone to retrieve Catina. The place was just as much a shithole as I remembered, and Hades wasn’t around—not yet. The Fates were there somewhere, too. I could hear them cackling in the tunnels, but I had no plans on running into them—I didn’t need to hear about the past and the present and the future, which was all the three hags could talk about.

Nope, I was happy to wait in silence alone.

While I waited in front of the mansion, I looked out over the Underworld, the place where Hades spent all his time. No wonder the asshole was so grim. This place was awful. All those dead souls floating around at the bottom of the lake? No, thank you. I preferred to keep different company. Although it probably wasn’t Hades’s fault. I knew all about his brothers’ successful attempt to trick him.

But I wasn’t in a position to feel sorry for the guy, not today. So, I headed back inside and sat on Hades’s throne in the main hall, right here to piss the guy off, and waited until he arrived. The damn chair was carved of black wood, crested with jewels and decorative metals forming various patterns. The enormous hall seemed so bare and sad. What did he do in here anyway?

It didn’t take long for him to storm through the doors. The moment he saw me, he stopped in his tracks.

“What the fuck are you doing here? Getting tired of Mount Olympus?”

“We’ve got to talk,” I snarled, getting up off the stupid throne.

“And what if I don’t want to talk?”

“Just hear me out, asshole.”

Hades barked a sarcastic laugh. “Asshole?”

“I think you’re full of shit,” I roared, ignoring the sarcastic comment. “I know you don’t want all this stuff in your life—love is such a waste of time, right? What I think is that you’re being a pussy. Just man up and face it.”

While I spoke, Hades’s face changed—reddening, painted in anger.
