Page 2 of Hades is Mine

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I had the makings of a superhero with all my new qualities. And in a good mood, I even had a winning personality. But I was no hero.

X was still out there. For all my dying, the shitty accident that took my last life included, he remained as powerful as ever, making me a giant failure. Would my power really be enough to stop his senseless killing? It was supposed to be. The Lowes were on this Earth to save the human race from evils like him. But if I vanished, what then? Who’d step up and take my position? The mythical creatures I used to fight to protect humans would return to Earth and keep killing humans, feeding X?

I wasn’t so sure I was going to be the savior of the world. I just wasn’t sure I’d be good enough.

Right now, X was lying low. I had no idea where he was, but he’d be back. He hadn’t left at all—it would be ridiculous to even try to hope for that.

It was why I trained so hard. Because X was coming back, and even with Apollo banished and Hades missing, this had to be the end. We couldn’t keep going like this.

“You’re going to get him,” Heracles added, as if he knew my thoughts. It wasn’t hard to work out what I obsessed about these days.

“Your tramping all over the globe saving the world is giving you a hero complex,” I said with a laugh.

Heracles had been playing god again, going out there to do what he had initially done—be a hero.

And it looked good on him. He had a purpose again, and that looked handsome on any man.

“It takes one hero to know another.” He winked.

“Stop.” I laughed. But it was good to know I had so many people on my side. Heracles was the first god I’d ever met, and he’d been like a second father to me. To know he was proud and I had his support was a serious confidence boost.

Even when I was sure I’d have my ass handed to me, he stood by my side, encouraging me to keep fighting and to never give up.

After our training session, I’d cooled down enough not to walk around with a perpetual scowl on my face. But I was still pissed off, and fire coursed through my veins.

When I arrived at my apartment, I half-excepted to find Apollo draped over my couch without his shirt on, staring at some stupid show on the television. Of all the gods I was involved with, he’d taken up the most time in my apartment. He seemed to have accepted human life more than the others, and he looked like he belonged here.

Not seeing him there when I dumped my bag on the floor, dragged my attitude right back down to shit town.

Fuck Zeus and his fucking games. There was no reason for him to ban Apollo from Earth. We hadn’t hurt anyone and Apollo had only risked his own heart by getting involved with me, no one else’s. I was starting to think Zeus was a sour pill, so fed up with all his power and everything to do with it that he’d started making life hell for everyone else.

What an asshole.

Sighing, I collapsed on the couch. I willed Apollo to walk through the door, to push me against the wall and strip me naked…

I closed my eyes and tried to reach him. He’d taken me to Mount Olympus a while ago. I couldn’t remember much about the place, if I had to be honest. It was all clean and pure and majestic, the way anyone’s idea of heaven—or whatever—would be. But I’d been so ramped up with lust, and Apollo had distracted me big time, taking me in every way he wanted to.

After all, what was a measly home-of-the-gods compared to the likes of Apollo?

I couldn’t reach him now, but it had to be possible somehow. The gods communicated by sending energy to one another. I just didn’t know how. Maybe this stupid humanness of mine, the same shit that had gotten Apollo banned, stopped me from reaching out to him.

My phone rang next to me, and I jumped in my seat. I snatched it up.


“Not Apollo,” Tina snapped. “Elyse, we need you on a project.” She was the woman I worked for with my freelance photography. “Can you come in tomorrow?”

I groaned inwardly. I forgot about living in the human world sometimes, about making money and being an adult and doing all the mundane things that got me from one day to the next.

“I’m sorry, Tina,” I said, making up my mind. “I’m not available for any projects right now.”

“Are you sure?” she asked, her voice hardening. “If we find someone else, we might need to stick to a new style.”

I knew what she was saying. I wasn’t just refusing this project, but potential future projects as well. Yet I had other things on my mind, and the truth was I just didn’t have that much time or energy to put into photography right now. I was too busy saving the world and finding a way to deal with my broken heart.

Or, at least, trying to. I wasn’t so sure I was going to figure it out—and I worried I wouldn’t ever be able to. Even with the guys…although there were only three of them actually willing to help me now.

With Apollo out of commission thanks to Zeus and his shit show, and Hades MIA because he was too much of coward to face up to what was going on, I only had Poseidon, Ares, and Heracles on my side.
