Page 3 of Hades is Mine

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But three gods were better than any human army, and I ‘d make this happen no matter what.

I didn’t have much of a choice, after all. I was a Lowe, the last active one in the world. And even though Hades was gone, X was still here somewhere. He’d be back, and if I didn’t find a way to stop him, I’d die. I wouldn’t wake up again.

Who had time to do a mundane nine-to-five after knowing about shit like that?

“Sorry, Tina. I wish I could, but I can’t help with this project. I promise to be available for the next one.”

She grumbled, and I heard the rustle of papers, until she finally sighed. “This just puts me in a really difficult spot, but I understand sometimes things come up. I’ll speak to you later.” And she hung up the phone, clearly not happy, but she didn’t declare to never work with me again.

After the call with Tina ended, my phone rang again almost immediately.

“Why did you do that?” Catina asked. “Why did you turn her down?”

I sighed. “You know what it's like for me, Cat. I can’t keep juggling work and war.”

“I guess so.” She sounded disappointed. “I miss having you around the office. I know you’re not normal or anything now, but I miss the times we had.”

I nodded, unsure how I felt about the wordnormal. If I wasn’t human or a goddess, what was I exactly? “Me too. But we can still have fun.”If I’m not dead.“And we’ll meet up soon. I just have to take care of some things first.” I put as much cheer into my voice as possible to avoid too many questions.

“Like one of the guys?” Catina asked with a chuckle.

I giggled—forced, but it worked. “Well, among other things. But that wasn’t what I was referring to.”

“Maybe you should just move in with one of them. Then you always have a boytoy around.”

“They’re eons older than me,” I joked.

“If they’re immortal, they don’t have an age, so I can call them that. Just make it official, Elyse. You’ll be doing yourself a favor because you’ll see them a lot more, and you’ll do me a favor because I can call you away whenever I want, and you can’t blow me off.”

I laughed again, honestly appreciating her insistence on seeing more of me, reminding me of the days when I could better juggle my day-to-day life. A time before Apollo, Poseidon, Ares, and Hades entered my life. “I’ll think about it.”

When we finished talking, I sat back on the couch and closed my eyes. Catina had a point. Maybe moving in with one of the gods wouldn’t be a bad idea. Even if just for safety.

But I wasn’t sure I could do that. Sure, I loved each of them in a special way, but I wasn’t there yet—not ready for playing happy families and thinking about homemaking and having kids.

The moment I thought about having kids with the gods, I stilled. Was that even possible? I guessed it would be, technically. But to be a mother? To be responsible for someone else’s life when I’d failed three times at keeping myself alive?

I didn’t know if I’d ever be cut out for that job.

I pushed the thoughts away, refusing to think about such things now. Instead, I’d focus on the matter at hand—training until I could fight X and finally put him back where he belonged.

“Hey, beautiful,” someone said behind me, and I smiled. Ares walked around the couch and dropped himself next to me, the cushion bouncing as he landed. He wore black leather pants and a muscle shirt that hung loosely around his waist. His short, cropped hair made his sharp features stand out more, but it was his eyes that always got me.

They were seas of green, and I melted whenever I looked into them. He always seemed to be up to no good. And oh, god, did I love it when he was bad.

He leaned over and pressed his lips against mine, pulling me closer, and I melted, inhaling his musky and fresh scent.

“Just the man I wanted to see,” I breathed.

“Oh, yeah?” He grinned at me, cocky and handsome as hell. “So, if Poseidon had come, let’s say, you’d have told him to take a hike?”

I rolled my eyes at Ares, laughing. “You’re full of shit.”

Because I wouldn’t have turned Poseidon away when I craved company. But Ares was as great as Poseidon, just in a different way. And maybe, with how I felt about Apollo and turning down Tina, Ares was exactly what I needed. He was fun and reckless, and I could forget about everything with him.

Poseidon was deep and contemplative, and he helped me work through shit. But notaroundit. And Ares would do that for me.

“You love it, though,” Ares said.

“Yeah,” I agreed, snuggling against him, his body on fire. I did love how full of shit he was. Not at first, when he’d been a pain in my ass and working against me in a fight. But now, when he was the guy who made me forget about all my troubles.

“What’s bothering you, angel face?”

“Too much to even start explaining,” I said.

Ares held my chin between his thumb and forefinger, his face close to mine and his eyes impossibly green. “Let’s see what we can do to distract you then.”
