Page 21 of Hades is Mine

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Chapter 9


I couldn’t believe Hades ditched me. He left me on the floor, writhing with need, and there was absolutely nothing he was going to do about it.

But so much more annoyed me and had me shaking with fury. I curled my hands into fists, frustrated with him because I cared for the damn dickhead, fantasized about being with him. Even though he was an asshole, even though he treated me like shit sometimes, even though I had three perfectly good gods in my life already, there was something about Hades that just got to me. He’d crawled under my skin, bad moods and all. But I was the fool here, setting myself up to fail and have him shred my heart worse than he’d already done.

Hades was just set on fighting us being together every step of the way. And even though it was exhausting most days, even though I was tired of all the arguments between us, it was the dynamic. Hades and I always started with a fight and ended with something that blew my mind.

It was another reason why I dreamed of him. When I joined with Hades, I became a different version of myself. It happened with all the gods; I was someone new with every single one of them. But the person that Hades brought out in me was someone I yearned to see more of.

He possessed a softer side somewhere deep down. He was someone completely worth loving, even if he wouldn’t let himself love. Not even himself.

He was just so set on refusing to face the truth, and it was hellishly difficult to get through all the shit surrounding him. But for him to leave again sent nausea whirring, unrestrained in my empty gut, with half-regrets of not getting over him popping in my mind like explosives.

Why didn’t I just give up on him? I squeezed my fists again at the thought, clenched my jaw, but I knew the answer.

It was because I held on to the belief he felt something for me. The way he kissed me, the way he touched me, and the way he stared at me all showed a man interested, but he was also a man afraid of his emotions.

Why couldn’t he admit his feelings for me, follow through with whatever happened between us for once? Accept and acknowledge this was something bigger than just sex?

It would help with X and keep so many humans safe. Hell, Hades just had to man the fuck up and fill that role of god of the Underworld because I was tired of this game we played.

After a return to Poseidon keeping me company, I climbed into my car the next day and drove to Hades’s place. He was back in town, and he hadn’t left again to wherever the fuck he’d hidden out. I didn’t know how I knew. When he was in town, an energy hung around me that I couldn’t ignore.

I glanced over to the passenger’s seat at Poseidon, where he studied the road ahead, a hard expression on his face. He wore jeans and a tight tee, looking so much more than casual and damn hot. “Thanks for coming with me.”

“We’re not leaving you alone again, but I’m not going into his house with you.” He growled the last part as he’d grumbled when Hades had vanished from my apartment.

I placed my hand on his thigh, his warmth radiating through his jeans, and I offered him a smile when he looked my way. “I just need to talk to him, get this shit sorted.”

“I know, and I pray to Zeus my brother sees sense.”

Once I parked in front of Hades’s place, I leaned toward Poseidon. A quick peck on his lips morphed into a minute-long passionate kiss as his hand pressed against my back, drawing me halfway over to his side, reminding me how much he adored me.

I came up for air, breathing hard, and smiled. “I’ll need more of that later,” I said.

He winked and blew me a kiss. “It’s a promise.”

I climbed out and walked to the door. The townhouse looked dilapidated and abandoned. Hades disguised his house as a piece of shit so that no one would think to go into it. But the inside was luxurious and fit for a god. He was home, even though it didn’t look like it from the outside.

I could feel him.

A quick look behind and I saw Poseidon no longer sat in my car. He must have popped out of there or perhaps waited somewhere near in case X made a reappearance. I loved how much Poseidon cared, not to mention his patience for me to work out things with Hades, but I sure as hell wouldn’t sit around for the God of the Underworld forever. I’d had enough of having my heart smashed into pieces by him.

I knocked on the door. The gods could all appear and disappear at will and sometimes I wished I could do the same so I could get into Hades’ house without having to knock, without him being able to turn me down. But I was just a human and remained stranded on the front porch.

After a while with no response, I knocked again.

“Hades,” I called out. “I know you’re in there. Why won’t you just talk to me?”

I waited a moment longer, thinking maybe he would ignore me altogether, when he yanked the door open.

“I don’t want to see you,” he snarled in his true grumpy fashion.

“Really? Because yesterday, it looked like you wanted to see me very much.”

“I thought I made it clear what my intentions were. I left, didn’t I?” He slouched on one leg, his jawline clenched.
