Page 28 of Hades is Mine

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Chapter 12


We were on a date, and my stomach swirled with butterflies. I couldn’t remember the last time I was so excited to get out of the house and do something different. With everything going wrong in the world, I wanted to spend time with the guys in a situation that wasn’t all about survival. I longed to be with them because of who they were to me, not because they were here to look after me in case X popped out of a dark corner to off me.

Waiting to be killed could be a real mood killer, so I smiled, put on strong face, and yearned for a normal night—if I called a date with two gods normal. But I adored this. The only thing that would make it better would be Apollo and Hades with us. A pang hit my heart. I pushed the hurt away and concentrated on the present not on foolish wishes.

Ares, Poseidon, and I were on a three-way date. I didn’t always have a chance to get out and just relax, so this was a night of fun.

And they were totally fine with going out together to where they were all welcome. The best thing about dating the gods, because they were just as open about love as I was, was that they had no problems being around each other and me at the same time. That included both of them kissing and cuddling me.

And occasionally fucking.

I liked them one on one just as much. I loved building up personal relationships with each of them, connecting on a deep level, as I liked hanging out with them in a bunch together. And I wished I had more time to do this regularly.

I sighed when I thought about Apollo. He would have been here tonight, too. I yearned for him, missed his kisses, his sweet whispers, how much he loved to just hold me. Without him, the party wasn’t complete. To think months ago, I never would have imagined I’d ever meet a big god, let alone be in a relationship with three of them. Hell, but I was the one who’d lucked out, and despite the turbulent start, we all blended together like a puzzle now. We came together and fit so well in each other’s company.

Both gods looked dashing in their dark suits. I hadn’t even known they owned such clothes—or maybe they had them tailormade at the snap of a finger. They could pull anything out of a hat.

And my, oh my, did they clean up well. Ares had a badass look going, with his short-cropped hair, angular jaw, and sharp eyes. He wore the same kind of black tuxedo as Poseidon, but he looked deadly, like an assassin rather than a plus-one.

Poseidon, on my other side, appeared positively regal, with his square shoulders and upright manner. He’d shaved his stubble, combed his hair off his face, and his blue eyes were spectacular. Like the clearest ocean, calling me to dive in. He reached across the table and squeezed my hand. I smiled at him, losing myself in his blue eyes and never wanting to resurface.

“You’re doing okay?” Ares asked, taking my other hand.

Some of the other guests glanced in our direction. We weren’t hiding the fact we were all together. But I didn’t care. They didn’t know us, and even if they did, they wouldn’t understand it. If anything, I’d say everyone was secretly jealous. I was happy where I was in my life.

“I’m okay,” I said, nodding.

Ares’s eyes sparkled bright green, his face serious.

“It’s a lot to deal with, but I don’t want to think about that now. Tonight, it’s just us.”

Poseidon brought my hand to his lips. “Well, you look ravishing.”

I’d put on the proverbial little black dress and my hair hung like a waterfall down my back for a change. My hair was so dark now for some reason, almost black, not as brown as it used to be. The color of my hair matching my dress should have seemed too much. But it worked for me.

I felt deadly lately, so the image fit. I wasn’t the unsure girl with the powers I didn’t understand anymore, but a woman who knew what I was. And I liked to dress the part.

“Do you think X is going to strike again soon?” Ares asked.

I shook my head. “I don’t want to talk about that tonight. No X, no death, and no Hades.”

“You’re going to hate this part, then,” Ares said, nodding toward the door, his face darkening. When I looked up, Hades came toward us. I groaned.

“What was it you said about ‘just us’?” Poseidon murmured under his breath. He looked just as pissed to see his brother as I felt, with my chest burning up, and my heart banging against my ribcage.

“What do you want?” I asked when Hades reached our table.

“We need to talk.” He stood over us, drawing attention from a few people around us.

Yep, stare at the lady with three stunning men at her table.

“Oh, now you’re ready to talk to me?” Immediately fury lit through me. I straightened my posture, ready to jab my fork into his chest. “Everything on your terms, is that it?”

He shook his head. “Don’t patronize me, Elyse. Bitchiness doesn’t suit you.”

Ares and Poseidon both jumped up the moment he said that, and Ares’s chair fell backward.
