Page 29 of Hades is Mine

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“Fucking touch me, and see what happens,” Hades snapped at Poseidon, who was already reaching out to his brother. His face was filled with menace, and it would be a fight if Poseidon decided not to listen.

“Don’t come in here and ruin our night then,” I said, just as snappy as Hades had been.

“Why not just turn around and fuck off?” Ares’s kept his voice low, but there was a promise of pain in it. This was going to get ugly—and fast. The guys were super protective of me. And I loved that. But this was Hades, and even though I was furious with him for treating me as though I was at his beck and call, part of me was still drawn to him. And he was my key to X, whether I wanted to admit it or not.

Damn, was I never going to be able to shake my attraction to Hades?

“Not until I talk to Elyse,” Hades barked.

“Is everything okay here?” the restaurant manager asked, appearing at Hades’s elbow, his gaze sweeping across the three, tall, powerful gods.

“It will be if you get lost,” Hades retorted.

“Hades!” I cried out, glaring at him. “Outside. Now.”

He nodded once and stormed out of the restaurant. He was only going to make a scene here, if he didn’t leave—though too late, as every single person stared our way, and my cheeks blazed.

“I’ll be fine,” I said to the other two when Poseidon opened his mouth to ask. “Really.”

“You’re not coming back, are you?” Ares asked. He didn’t look upset about it since it was just a fact. He needed to know where I’d be.

I didn’t know how to answer that. Of course, I wanted to come back. That was the plan. It was our date night. But it was Hades, and we had a reputation for gettingdistracted. Plus, I had to find out what the heck he wanted.

“I’ll be with one god or another, not alone,” I answered. “But I’ll keep you posted if anything changes.”

It was the only thing I could say, the only thing I knew for a fact. When I looked at Poseidon, his eyes were soft.

“You’re not angry our night is interrupted?” I asked, my heart splintering after we’d all made an effort and it had been ruined.

“Not unless he hurts you,” Poseidon declared, taking my hand and kissing it.

“It’s Hades.”

“He didn’t mean physically,” Ares said, then leaned in and kissed my lips.

“I know.” Nothing got by them, that was for damn sure. They discerned how I felt about the God of the Underworld. And they didn’t seem to care. They just wanted me safe. What had I done to deserve gods like this in my life?

“We won’t talk long,” I said, then turned around and walked out of the restaurant to find Hades.

I understood what it was like with him, and I wasn’t going to allow him to take over my night, to ruin what I had with the guys. It could take a while, especially if we started fighting. But I was determined to keep it short and sweet with him so I could get back to my meal. The guys were worried we’d fight all night, or he’d leave me, making me vulnerable to X before they could do anything about it.

But I wasn’t going to let Hades take me away from the gods who actually gave a shit about more than just my body.

“What is it?” I asked, locating him in the darkness, where the streetlights couldn’t find him. “What’s so urgent you couldn’t let me have dinner in peace?”

“I’m never going to love you.”

I gasped, so shocked about his confession that I didn’t know what to say. Though it felt as if he’d cleaved my heart in two.

“You’re interrupting date night to tell me that?” I asked when I finally found my words.

“I thought you should know.” He shrugged as if he didn’t understand the big deal.

“This is ridiculous,” I hissed through clenched teeth. My anger built, every inch of me trembling. I’d been having such a great night, not worried about anything, set on forgetting all the drama in my life, and here Hades was, doing nothing but making it worse. “You’re here being an ass by telling me you’re going to be a dick. For fuck’s sake! What the hell is wrong with you?”

He was angry now, too, his muscles twitching, his lips thinning. I shouted at him, swearing like a lady really shouldn’t. But I was past the point of trying to make excuses for his behavior. Your past could dictate who you were to a point, but anything further than that was choice and nothing else.

And Hades had chosen to be a complete ass.
