Page 66 of Hades is Mine

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Chapter 27


Surprisingly, after everything that had happened, life returned to normal. Since I was a goddess now and had access to all the riches in Mount Olympus, it meant I’d never have to work a day in my life again. Similar to how the other gods afforded anything they wanted on Earth.

But I didn’t want to live like that. I didn’t want to reside in the mansion and never do anything. That wasn’t how my dad raised me.

Sure, I’d settle for a couple of upgrades. I got myself a bigger apartment and new furniture, and I even hired an interior decorator to take care of everything so my home was a step up from what I had.

I picked up photography again, even though I didn’t need the job. I enjoyed being in contact with humans, and I enjoyed taking photos of people, looking at them through the lens, seeing the things that made them so unique—their humanity.

A couple of weeks later, I sat at the coffee shop where Catina and I always spent time together. She was running a little late, but she’d been in a meeting with my boss, Tina, so I waited. When she burst through the door, her cheeks were flushed and her hair a mess, as if she’d been running. She came to the table, finger-combing her blonde hair, and sat down on one of the stools, breathing hard.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” she said. “You have no idea what traffic was like. There was an accident in town and the whole place is gridlocked.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said, giving her a hug.

“I have to order coffee. I’m sorry, but I just need to get something in my system.” She waved at one of the waiters and ordered a hazelnut latte. When the waiter was gone, she turned to me and took another deep breath.

“Finally, you have my undivided attention. How are you doing? How are you fitting in?”

I’d already told her about what was happening, about who I’d become. She was my best friend and well aware of my straight-out-of-myths life, and I had to talk to someone. I couldn’t think of anyone better than Catina to share the news with. At first, she hadn’t believed me until I showed her what I looked like in my armor, what my crescent ax was like when it appeared in my hand out of nowhere.

She’d fully accepted anything I told her after that.

“I’m doing okay,” I said with a smile, relaxing in my seat. “We all are.”

She shook her head. “I still can’t believe you have four boyfriends. Doesn’t it get tiring?”

I giggled and shook my head, too, remembering the other day with me and the four of them. At one stage, I’d had three of them inside me, Ares watching, stroking himself. Afterward, he’d made sure he took me on his own, and the others had watched. Ares was my jokester—he always made me laugh. Each of my men was unique. I wouldn’t give up their affection for anything in the world. “I’m managing. I can hold out a lot longer than I used to.”

Catina was the one who blushed. “God, it sounds so weird to hear you speak about these things like it’s nothing. What are you going to do? Are you going to move in with them or something?”

I shrugged. We honestly hadn’t come up with an answer. “I have no idea. I’m not sure if I want them all in my personal space, even though they’re often at the apartment with me.” I didn’t add this out loud, but very often the four guys all piled in my bed and we slept, all of us touching. Those nights were my favorites, especially waking up tangled with them.

“Well, you’re going to have to start thinking about the next step if you guys are so serious,” Catina added.

I smiled at her, but she’d never understand. With the gods, it wasn’t like we could take one step after the other, progressing in our relationship from dating to engagement to marriage with kids. Although, thinking about kids with the gods wasn’t an altogether foreign idea. I liked the thought of reproducing, of having children with them.

Would that make our offspring divine? Perhaps. I had to ask them.

Maybe they’d be open to something like that.

“What about Oliver?” I asked, changing the topic. “How are you guys doing?”

She lowered her gaze to her coffee, pausing for a long moment. “I’m not sure. I mean, I really like him, Elyse. A lot. But I’m a little nervous about steadily dating him. We’re still not official.”

“I know,” I said. “It’s why I’m asking. You should make it official with him. He absolutely dotes on you, and I see the way you look at him. You like him just as much as he likes you.”

“I just get worried about being tied down? I always wanted the whole white picket fence idea, but now that I’m actually with someone who likes me, I’m nervous.” She chewed on her lower lip, her eyebrows drawn together.

“Oliver is a really nice guy,” I said. “And I know if you’re with him, you’ll be happy. You’re happier now than I’ve ever seen you.”

She smiled. “I am happy, right? Maybe you’re right. I should take that next step.”

“Take the plunge,” I encouraged, reaching over and touching her hand. More than anything, I wanted her to be happy, to smile, to feel as if she wasn’t alone. Or maybe I was just projecting how I’d felt for so long.

“Yeah, perhaps that’s something I should do.”
