Page 38 of Shadowlands Sector

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“And still, that won’t stop them. Why did you leave your room?” He gravitates toward me in slow motion. My earlier fear fizzles in comparison to the delirious arousal burning through me for this Alpha.

That’s how it is with us. Push. Pull. Gravitating one minute, and repelled in the next. Thoughts crowd my mind, panicked thoughts filled with the image of us.

“Other wolves, they’ll keep coming and coming after you tonight. They won’t know how not to. One way or another, your wolf has to come out. You have to be marked, Meira. For your own safety. Now that they have your scent.”

“And your desire, right?” My response comes out as a whisper.

There’s a twitch at the corner of his eye, a nerve flaring in response. He lowers his attention, taking in my body as I reach out and step backward.

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little intrigued,” he says.

Intrigued?A hard bark of laughter tears along my throat. “Nice choice of words. Only what’s to say you aren’t exactly like them?” I jerk my head toward the piercing call that dances on the wind.

My body thrums with power, like paws smacking the ground. Tonight, the wild wolves are set loose, just like Dušan said… and they’re coming for me. Their hunger. Their need. Heat mingles with terror, and it’s a dangerous cocktail.

“Idon’t know that you aren’t.” My voice trembles, needing and desperate. “I don’t know that at all. I don’t know you, don’t know any of this.”

Run. The need roars inside me. Take a chance on my own. I’m fast and lithe, able to scurry along the rocks and climb the mountain faster than someone like the bulky Alpha in front of me.

If I can escape the settlement tonight, I can find a crevice in the surrounding mountains and slip in. I’ll wait until morning, wait until they finally give up the hunt…I can make my way back home.


The word resounds. Where is my home?

Dušan jerks his gaze to the right, his lips curling, a savage snarl spilling from his mouth. “Decide, Meira, and decide fast. They’re coming.”

Panic tears through me as a growl cuts through the trees. Dušan lifts his hands as long, black claws punch out from the tips. He turns his head and takes one look at me standing there petrified as another blur races toward us, cutting between the trees.

There’s a moment that passes between us, one filled with desperation and duty before he rips his attention from mine and mutters, “Fuck.”

He lunges away, lowering his head as he charges into the gloom of the forest. The heavy thump of his steps beats a panicked drum inside my head. Branches snap, mingling with a guttural roar.

A brutal thud comes moments later. Savage, primal growls fill the night. My stomach clenches with the sound as a howl comes tearing through the bushes in front of me.

I have no choice. I do the only thing I can—turn and run.

My throat tightens as a terrifying howl comes from the direction Dušan has disappeared. Is that him? The thunder in my head grows louder, crashing like a crescendo as images came to life. Dušan hurt, lying there bleeding and broken, all because he wants me for himself.

I shake my head as tears blur my view. I scan the tree line, finding a trail that carves a clear path to the part of the mountain within the metal walls. My knees tremble, locking as I stumble forward. I pray my legs will hold, and hurry, leaving the Alpha and the pack behind.

Guilt swallows me. I find myself slowing as I hit the bushes and turning back around. The unmerciful sounds are sickening. Fists and claws flay flesh until a piercing, shattering cry fills the night…and what follows is silence.

Empty silence.

Warmth slips down my cheeks as I look back to the trees. I’m on my own now, on my own with desperation and what little courage I have left.

Dušan’s pale blue eyes haunt me as I stagger forward, my boots finding the worn path amongst the trees. A couple of other wolves come for me, swarming the forest all around me. Their male scent so pungent, it’s like a rag down my throat. They smell so familiar.

I drive my boots against the ground and run as fast as I can. Nails pierce the flesh of my palm. Something emerges out of the infernal darkness.

“Where do you think you’re going, female?”

The warning plunges like ice through my veins. His long, blond hair shines as he moves closer. I haven’t seen him before, and I don’t find him handsome in the slightest. I skid to a stop, my heart pounding so loud, I can barely think.

“Leave me alone,” I warn, my voice cracking and trembling.

“I can’t do that.” He sucks in hard breaths and glides near, just like Dušan did.
