Page 8 of Shadowlands Sector

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His chest ripples with muscles. A faint sprinkle of hair covers his pecs and sweeps down his stomach into a tight V, all the way down. He’s all there, out and proud. A black thatch of hair, a flaccid cock. Even soft, he ishuge. Heat pulses through me, and my insides clench.

I shove to my feet, not wanting this wolf’s groin in my face. No matter how much my body warms at the sight. No matter how much I feel the throb of arousal between my thighs. What I need is to get out of here because the way he stares at me tells me he wants to touch me, to impregnate me.

“Look at me,” he demands in a deep, smooth voice as he reaches out toward me, his fingers brushing softly along my shoulder near the wound.

I flinch away and cry out with pain, even as goosebumps travel over my arm where he’d just touched me. I’ve been running all my life for survival. Attention from an Alpha isn’t what I want. Power flares from him in waves. It prickles over my skin and weakens my knees, as if my wolf senses his authority. She whimpers inside me with a desperation to obey him.

Total betrayal. My own wolf… She lingers inside me, responding to this Alpha, but still hasn’t made a show of fangs or fur when I call her forward.

He sniffs the air, his brow pinching, before he glances over to the wolf he attacked to save me. Except wolves don’t aid anyone without wanting something in return.

“He bit you to mark you into a forced mating,” he states, as if it isn't obvious.

“You don’t say? It clearly didn’t work,” I answer, still clutching my bleeding injury. “I don’t need your help.”

“What is your name, girl?” He steps closer, and my eyes don’t know where they want to look. They move up and down his body of their own accord.

My mind is reeling, trying to come up with an excuse. Anything to get me out of his tangled chaos. But my heart is banging too hard, and I hitch my next breath all the way to my lungs.

“It’s Meira, right?” He smirks, noticing my inability to even control my own body.

“I have no name,” I say, cringing on the inside.Oh, shit, shit, shit.He’s related to Mad and Mihai. The wolves who kidnapped me and shoved me onto the plane.

His laughter irks me… what irritates me worse is that I like the way he sounds, how he tilts his head upward to laugh at me. How I desperately need him to put on clothes so I can gain control of my gaze once again.

“Well, you’ve saved me, and I’m thankful. Have a nice day.” I turn and quickly lunge into a run. Every male wolf craves the same thing. A female to mate, to keep prisoner, to impregnate. The thought alone infuriates me, and I pump my legs faster.

His hand snatches mine and he whips me back around. My feet stumble, and I jerk to face him, crashing right into his bare chest. So much flesh everywhere. He’s burning up and so hot to the touch.

I shove my hands against him and reel back, then swing a fist at him.

He moves unimaginably fast and catches my balled hand in his, stopping it short from clipping his face.

He grabs me by the scruff of my neck and wrenches me closer. “You’re not dealing with a Beta. Remember that, because next time, I won’t take well to almost being punched in the face.”

Only an Alpha would be so arrogant. “Let me go!” I shout at him and I get the impression he could easily pick me up and swing me over his shoulder. I’m not blind to the way he studies me, dragging his gaze up and down my body.

My fists clench, and I spit at him, managing to hit him square in the chest. He glares at me, and he grabs my arm and then hauls me with him as he pushes into a march. “You’re going to get yourself in a lot of trouble.”

I fight him, stumbling behind him. “I’m not yours to abduct and keep.”

“Who said anything about me keeping you? I have an Alpha who might be very interested in you.”

Edgy anger fills me. He’s going to send me off again to god-knows-what-monster in another country. I strain against his iron grip, and though I know it’s futile, I never stop fighting.

“This would go a lot easier if you learned obedience. It can be quite rewarding.” He arches a thick eyebrow with amusement.

That time, it’s me who bursts out laughing, all fake and for show. “Does that actually work on anyone?”

There’s a pause as he cups the side of my face harshly, holding me in place.

He sniffs me, inhaling my scent. All wolves carry a distinctive smell that easily identifies them but also reveals their status.

“You smell like Omega,” he declares with accusation, his nose scrunching as if I’m not worth his time.

I cringe and bite down on my cheek to stop from blurting out that I don’t belong to his hierarchy. That I’m not the lowest rank in the pack, where everyone will feel like they can take advantage of me.

Alphas rule, one taking leadership and controlling a pack of other Alphas, Betas, and Omegas. The handful of Alphas in a pack usually don’t stray from the top, and are ranked in order of his Second, Third, and so forth. Betas are the warriors, both male and female, the work dogs of packs. The Omegas, on the other hand, are the ones who have no power and do as they’re told their whole lives. While females might be born or bitten into any of the three tiers, majority are Omegas or Betas. It’s why Mama and I always found settlements without men. She taught me to stay independent, to be in control of my own life.
