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Chapter 2


You fucking sonofabitch…I unleash a growl, the sound thundering across the terrain, doing nothing to stop the onslaught of the infected. Dead, filthy things who are incapable of thinking but are always starved for flesh and blood race through the broken wall into my pack’s yard.

I lunge at two of the bastards in my wolf form, my thoughts a mangled blur. On all fours, I charge headfirst and slam into one of their chests, tossing it aside, then snap around, teeth bared at the other culprit. I bite into his leg and tear it off, the slurping sounds nothing but a war song surrounding us.

Everyone will fight until we have slain every last fucking undead. Armed guards stand on the balcony of our fortress and take down one undead after another.Bang. Bang. Bang. They thin the herd as much as possible.

I leap from one creature to the next, taking down as many as I can, tearing the infected from wolves who have fallen. The screams are the worst, but Lucien has my back and we’re fighting like a well-oiled machine. We’ve been at war against these monsters before, battling side by side since we were children.

The world is fucked. But we’ve adapted, become the killers we need to be. I feel nothing but hatred; everything else grows numb.

Bardhyl barrels into the fight, pelt white as snow charging in from the side of the house. He’s a tank, taking down half a dozen creatures in one move. He’s the most terrifying bastard I know. It’s why I keep him close to my side.

Lucien releases a tremendous growl, and nothing will stop him once he’s battling. Bodies scatter the ground around us, limbs twitching, eyes on decapitated heads blinking. But not much scares me anymore.

Wolves fight side by side, and I rip apart the creatures, leaving a pile in my wake. A scream rings through the air, and I swing my head in its direction to my right, my lips peeled back over fangs. Two infected have a female wolf pinned to the ground, biting into her body, ripping away flesh.

Fury slices me in half, and I’m flying toward them. I pounce on one and sink my teeth right into its back, ripping away flesh and bones. In my head, all I can picture is Meira being attacked. She’s out there somewhere, and I need to get to her before it’s too late.

Stupid woman… she never should have run.

She had so many secrets up her sleeve, didn’t she?

One, she has leukemia, and her human body is dying. But I doubt she knows that.

Two, Meira is immune to the zombies because of the disease in her blood. I don’t think her blood can be used as a cure, yet she runs because she thinks everyone will hunt her down it.

Fuck!When I catch her, I’m spanking that tight ass so hard.

I throw myself at the second infected, my teeth latching around its neck, and I take its head right off with sheer rage.

I stare down at the female wolf I recognize as a new Beta who only recently found her mate. She’s on the ground, gurgling blood while it pours out from the edges of her mouth. Her eyes peer into the sky, already turning glassy. There’s nothing I can do for her. Once she dies, she’ll reawaken as one of them. It’s how the virus exists, how it expanded to infect the whole planet. Earth is nothing but a fraction of what it once was.

Nothing remains now. Only the virus-ridden creatures and survivors like us, trying to make a home amid the destruction.

When the Beta quiets down, I snap my jaw around her neck and rip her apart. I don’t think about it. Just do what must be done. My brain sits barren for those few moments, choosing to ignore that these images will haunt my dreams for years to come.

But as the Alpha, I won’t allow more of the creatures to be spawned. And sure as fuck not from wolves in my family pack.

Then I lunge into battle, forgetting every single fucking thing except destroying the enemy.

We fight.

Undead and wolves fall alike.

I don’t pay attention as I plow through the dwindling masses.

I spin around on all fours, searching for my next victim, the heavy scent of blood blotting my senses.

All I find are wolves standing, injured and bloody, while the ground is littered with the undead.

I suck in jagged breaths, refusing to register to the small details. When I glance over to the broken wall and no more undead stagger inside, I tilt my head to the sky and call my wolf back with an ear-shattering howl that bleeds into the air. My flesh ripples as electricity pops over me like sparks. Black fur shrinks, bones crack, and I shudder with the transformation that rips through me in a split second. An explosion of pain swallows me, the agony excruciating, but I’m used to it now. Our changes are vicious.

Getting up to my feet, I stand in the form of a man wearing no clothes and stare out over the chaos. My third and fourth, Lucien and Bardhyl, take human form too, as do others. Bardhyl’s white-blond hair flutters in the wind over his broad shoulders, and the way he studies the battlefield reminds me of the first time I encountered him up in Denmark after he’d single-handedly slaughtered a small pack of Alphas. Lucien should have been my brother, as we are more similar than either of us would admit. He helps someone to their feet, then looks up to me. His steel-gray wolf eyes glint in the sun, and he runs a hand through his short, timber-colored hair.

Then the cries around us begin as wolves begin searching for their loved ones. My gut aches at the grieving sounds.
