Page 20 of Make Me Love You

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Epilogue One: Rafe


Nerves are wracking my body and I swear my tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth. I’m on my way to the bakery where the girls meet every week. It’s the first time I’ve faced this group of my girl’s friends and I gotta admit. It’s a little scary. Especially since I’m about to change my life forever.

I finger the ring in my pocket, turning it over. The one-carat princess-cut diamond on the platinum band called to me as soon as I saw it. Simple and elegant just like my princess.

Harvey and Amanda are the only ones who know what I’m about to do. So when I walk in the door, both of them are grinning like crazy women at me. I can see that Jamie’s back is turned and she’s perusing the banquet of food that’s set out.

Harvey clears her throat and every eye in the place turns to me. Finally realizing that something’s going on, my princess turns to face me. “Rafe?” She sets her plate down and dashes over to me, worry furrowing her smooth brow. “Is something wrong? Oh my god what happened?”

I slide to one knee and pull the ring out of my pocket. “Princess, you are the one thing in this life that I’ve been missing and I love you so much. It kills me every night when I leave you. Every night when I go to work or you have to leave in the morning. I’m tired of waiting. I want to spend every minute that I can holding you in my arms and making love to you until we fall asleep together.”

Her hands are on her lips and there’s tears in her sparkling light blue eyes.

Harvey and Amanda clear their throats while the other women laugh. “Keep the TMI down, dude. I just ate.”

I glare at Harvey and then turn my eyes back to the center of my world. “Baby girl, you’re the whole world to me and I want to make sure that every other man out there knows you’re taken. I want to make it permanent. I want you to marry me, princess.”

She glares at me. “I didn’t hear a question.”

“That’s cause I didn’t ask. I’m not giving you the chance to give me some sassy as hell answer. You’re marrying me.” I slide the ring on her slim, shaking finger and she smiles through her tears.

“You can be such a caveman.”

“You like it,” I chuckle.

“I do.” I pull her in for a kiss and everybody around us sighs.

“Save it for the wedding!” Harvey shouts and drags my princess out of my arms. “You’ll have her forever, dude. Let somebody else hug her.”

She hugs my love and then all the women take turns congratulating us and hugging her. Slapping me on the back. It’s all good except for Harvey. That woman almost knocks me on my ass. I feel for any man that tries to tame her.

And as Amanda hugs her, my princess mouths, “I love you,” over her shoulder.

“I love you too, princess.” I can share her for now but tonight she’s all mine. Tonight and forever.

I wink at her and then chat with a few of the women I recognize, enjoying the company for now. Until I’m alone with the love of my life, showing her how much she means to me, sinking into her until I’m lost in her.

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