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They expected me to go to a charity event?

The same charity event where Hunter would be with his new girlfriend. They expected bravery and fearlessness. All the things I was before losing my grandmother and before my family broke my spirit.

What had happened to me? When had I become someone who didn’t fight with all her heart and soul for what she wanted? I was trying to protect my house, protect my inheritance, and protect my grandmother’s legacy. But she would not have wanted it to come at the cost of my happiness.

Still, I hesitated.

“You don’t have to tell Hunter how you feel,” Aly said. “But you should at least talk to him about what’s going on. He deserves to know what you’re going through and why you keep pushing him away.”

I did owe him that much.

Maybe it wouldn’t change anything. Maybe he’d still decide to marry the incomparable Crystal Brooke. But, at least he would know why I did the things I did.

And I would know if there was anything left to fight for.

Chapter Seventeen


Not here. Not now.

A strange flurry of anger and excitement hiked up within me at the sight of Lyndsey walking through the door. Every time she walked into a room, my heart tripped over itself. My thoughts muddled all together. I was never myself when she was around.

Or maybe I was too much like myself—a version of me I barely recognized on any other day. The man I was with Lyndsey was reckless, led by passions and feelings I had no control over.

Only this time, her presence here felt all too much like an intrusion. She knew I was coming here with Crystal, knew this was a pivotal moment in our relationship. And after seeing her so-called boyfriend, I had resigned myself to putting Lyndsey far from my thoughts.

But here she was, in the middle of the dance hall dressed in a beautiful sapphire dress that made the majority of onlookers stop and stare. How could they not? She was stunning.

What was worse is she was a distraction. One I didn’t need when all I wanted to do was forget her. I closed the distance between us, cutting across a room full of people to reach her.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, claiming her by the arm and drawing her away from the crowd of people.

Her eyes widened as they fell on me, though she followed me through the crowd without hesitation. “I came for the charity event.”


“My friends came in from California. They run something similar up there and are interested in expanding to this area, as well.”

I stopped in a quiet corner of the room, spinning her about to face me. “What does that have to do with you?”

“They asked me to introduce them to the people in charge and get them used to the way things are done here.” She jerked her arm free from my hold. “Though, with such warm greetings like this one, it’s a wonder they needed my help at all.”

I looked over her shoulder. I hadn’t seen her walk in with anyone. Though, that didn’t necessarily mean she was lying. While Lyndsey enjoyed being the focal point of attention, even she wouldn’t stoop so low as to come here just to distract me. “Where are they?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged, defiant. Her eyes scanned the mass of people. “Getting a drink. I’m still looking for whoever’s in charge.”

“Well, you found him.” I gripped her arm once again and led her back out into the crowd. “So, let’s get this over with.”

The sooner we found her friends, the sooner I would be rid of her.

I was already having second thoughts about Crystal. Yes, she was everything a man could ever hope for in a wife. But she was not the woman for me. If I stood any chance of getting over my concerns, I’d have to limit my interactions with Lyndsey first.

“What, you?” Lyndsey tugged back on my grip and forced me to face her.

“That surprises you?”

“You never mentioned anything about charity work,” she said. “Like ever. You would think that’s something you want your future wife invested in, too.”

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