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“It’s because you bring it up all the time,” Flynn exclaimed. “It’s like, literally, the only thing I’ve ever done wrong that you can criticize. Which is why it sticks so much in your brain.”

“Well, it was pretty bad.”

“How was I supposed to know she was a guy?” Flynn asked. “You didn’t even know, until—nope. I’m not having this conversation with you.”

He tossed up his hands in defeat, though I could barely keep myself from laughing. Being home felt good again. For the first time in a long time, I remembered all the reasons I loved being here. There are many reasons that might make me stay.

As if beckoned by some unknown force, I shifted my attention to the door. Hunter walked through, dressed in a navy suit with a pale blue shirt beneath it. With his tanned complexion and dark hair, the contrasting shades of his outfit brought out the steely blue of his eyes. My breath hitched upward. My heart stopped and sped up all at the same time. I wasn’t sure whether I was going to pass out or die happy.

Either option was a serious possibility at that moment. He looked absolutely gorgeous. If there weren’t a hundred people here, I’d have shoved him into the nearest bedroom and had my way with him.

That was still not completely off the table. Though much more of a risk than our escapade at the charity event. Especially with Vanessa and Kyle so close within reach.

His gaze seized mine from across the room. The last shred of dignity holding me together slid down my chest and landed in the pit of my stomach with sweet, satisfying pleasure. I didn’t care that I was quite clearly drooling over a man I shouldn’t want. It didn’t matter how foolish I looked while gawking.

I was enjoying the view.

Hunter’s expression remained a little more tame than mine felt. I could already feel the heat rising to my cheeks and the need pulsing between my thighs. The smug jerk only stared, a smile reaching his eyes alone, while the rest of his face remained emotionless.

Until they landed on Flynn.

I didn’t even know what he was staring at until his eyes narrowed. He set his jaw, staring just past me at some unknown target. It wasn’t until I turned to see Flynn over my shoulder that I realized they were locked in some strange battle of glares.

I turned back toward Hunter, but he was already making his way deeper into the crowd. I tried to hide my disappointment. Flynn knew me too well for that. His eyes studied me, intense and almost volatile—as if I’d withheld some important bit of information from him.

I took a sip from my drink to alleviate the tension welling within me.

“So, how long have you two been fucking?” Flynn asked suddenly.

I snapped my head around to see him, nearly choking on my drink. My first instinct was to smack him, so I did. On the arm. Nothing too hard, nothing even noticeable. But it sure made me feel better. “What the hell, Flynn? Why would you say that?”

“Because he looks like he’s ready to fucking impale me with one of these skewers,” he said, lifting the now empty meat skewer between his fingers.

I shook my head. We were not being very discreet. “You’ve met each other before, and you were both perfectly civil to one another.”

“No. The last time he just looked like he didn’t like me. This time he looks like he wants to kill me. A man can always tell when another man is beating his chest, laying claim to his territory.”

“I am not a piece of territory to be claimed.” I scoffed at the archaic idea. Hunter wasn’t like that. Was he?

“Men don’t see things that way,” Flynn explained.

“You’re ridiculous.”

“I mean, we may say we trust you. We may actually trust you. But those other guys. Hell, no. We don’t trust them at all. And I mean, just look at me. I’m gorgeous. Who wouldn’t be intimidated by all of this?”

I groaned and rolled my eyes. “Yes, you’re so charming. How do women resist?”

“It’s a curse, really.” Flynn shrugged, doing another survey of the room before landing his attention back on me. “But my next question is, why would lover boy see me in particular as a threat? I’m not the only man you’ve ever talked to in front of him.”

Oh, God. Was I going to have to explain all of this mess to Flynn, too? It was a complete misunderstanding. It wasn’t even my fault really. “You said it yourself. You’re a real catch, Flynn. Any man would feel inferior compared to you.”

“Very funny. That’s not it.”

“Maybe he can sense how close we are.”

Flynn leveled an incredulous stare over me, cocking his head to the side. “Maybe you told him we were closer than we really are.”

“I didn’t tell him that...exactly.”
