Page 34 of An Alpha's Claim

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We crashed through the trees,and the birds were hot on our asses, but we were fast. I was never so grateful to have the speed as I was tonight. As we burst into the clearing, I knew why things felt off and exactly why these birds were here. Aeron and the demon didn’t want a repeat of last time when I broke their spell. They knew if I didn’t kill these demon birds, all of us could be at risk. I saw the Hunters, wolves and our group fighting in an all-out battle. I figured they didn’t have the time to set up the spell barrier like they wanted but had enough time to block some of our senses from the battle.


“We need to get there now! I see him!” Dax growled as the first of the birds came swooping down to an attack. I looked back, seeing Aeron in human form cutting down Hunters left and right as his crimson eyes glowed. I whipped my head back around, knowing what had to be done but hating that we had to be split apart.

“Go! Let us handle this, and you go after Aeron. We will join you as soon as I take care of this!” I said, pointing. I fell to my knees by the edge of the river. I rolled onto my back and started to fire. I hit each bird that arrowed down at me as Dax swatted them away and tore heads from the giant creatures. It would matter how many wept down because they would just keep raising again.

“No! You’re fucking crazy if you think I will leave you…”

“You have to! If you don’t stop him, he will get what he wants. I just need Remi and Thomas to keep them off of me until I can send their bird flu asses back to Hell!” I rolled to the left, dodging birds that crashed into the ground next to me. They were using their size and becks as weapons, trying to keep us pinned down.


“Dax! Go! Please trust me!” I shot three birds in a row and threw a blade from my other hand at a bird flying down to attack Thomas in his blind spot. My eye flicked over to Dax for just an instant, but that was all that was needed. He knew without words that this was exactly what the demon wanted. He knew we were coming, and the best defense was to split us apart.

“If you die, I swear I will drag your ass back here. Finish this and come to me!” He growled. I shot eight more of the bird demons, so Dax had enough time to move. He didn’t even have to bend his knees much as he launched himself into the air to leap over the lake. I felt when he crossed over because I couldn’t feel our bond anymore.

“Remi! Thomas! Cover me!” I screamed.

* * *


I landed inside of the barrier, and I instantly felt that Devana wasn’t near me. I could see her, but this barrier made it look like she had been ripped from my soul. I moved as wolves and Hunter fought each other and caught sight of Jarod taking down a wolf that was an Alpha once before. I could gauge the power of the wolf, and it wasn’t as strong as Jarod, but the taint and power of the blood it carried gave the wolf an edge.

“What do you wolves want! My daughter went to your aid, and this is how you repay us!” A tall golden skin man gritted when I caught his eyes. He stared into mine as he cut down a wolf by using what looked like a shovel. His green eyes seemed to glow with hate and pain as he saw me.

“This isn’t what you think, Cassius! Look around, or can’t you tell that this isn’t us!” I roared. I didn’t have time for this, but the Hunter gave me no choice. He came at me, ducking low and sweeping out with his leg as he brought the handle of the shovel up. I moved and knocked away the shovel, snapping it into pieces. That would have thrown a lesser being off their feet, but Cassius wasn’t just an average human. He was old just as old as me and has been a Hunter the entire time.

“I cannot feel my daughter! I felt her pain and then nothing! I thought she just cut herself off so we would not worry. Dali would have called and told us if anything happened. Then we were attacked by these wolves! Dali returns, but no Devana! You!” I knew nothing I said would get through to him. All he could see were werewolves attacking and killing his people. I couldn’t understand why he couldn’t sense the presence of a demon.

“It’s a demon! Devana is alive! We are here to help you! Just look around and feel for a second.” I said. The fighting raged on, and I couldn’t see Aeron anyway. I tried to sense him as well. There was nothing, and I didn’t know why until Cassius spun on his heel, whispered three words, and blew white dust into space.

“DEMON!” Cassius roared. The white dust covers the invisible form of Aeron, who stepped out of a now visible Hell gate. Cassius snapped out in two fast kicks, dropped low, and punched Aeron hard in the solar plexus. It did absolutely nothing. That hit would have thrown an entirely changed wolf across the field, but Aeron just smirked.

“I haven’t tasted Hunter’s soul in millennia,” Aeron hissed as he reached out grabbed Cassius by the throat. I moved, but not fast enough as he ripped Cassius’s head from his body and devoured it in one swallow.

“NO!” A long, pain-filled cry tore through the fighting, howling, and screaming as Cassius’s body fell to the ground. I saw a tall woman that was dressed in white that was now covered in dirt and blood. Her face was a mask of rage and hurt as she began fighting her way over to us. Wolves dove in between the grieving woman and Cassius’s body, separating the Hunter from her Mate. That all happened in a second, and I wasted no more time. This piece of shit had to die, and this demon needed to be sent back to fucking Hell. I moved and used my arm to take a laughing Aeron down as I punched him while we landed hard in the dirt. I heard the grunts and knew my hits were being felt. I felt him shift and throw me off him, making me fly backward. It didn’t matter because I twisted in the air to land on my feet in a crouch so I could charge at him again. Aeron was already up, and his hands were transformed into red-tipped claws.

“All I need from you is those eyes, Daxton Rayne. Once I have those andAbadozuihas Hunter’s eyes, I will be at the top of every food chain.” Aeron growled as we circled each other. We made our way toward each other, taking down any member from the opposite side until we were finally across from each other once more. I stared at my opponent, knowing that he wasn’t an ordinary wolf and that this fight had to end and quickly. “I see that you lost yourself at seeing my superiority amongst our kind. I came to claim your worthless Pack and to take out these Hunters. Hell does not need our enemies to be allowed to come together,” Aeron said.

“I’m not here for all the chit-chat you wanna do. You ran from my Pack and me. It will not be any different for you this time, either. The only difference will be you won’t get the chance to live,” I said as I charged at him. I shifted my hands into claws as I allowed my body to take the third form.

“My Pack! Who do you follow? Stop him!” Aeron screamed. He began to shift, and it didn’t take much time for him to do it. I had to stop him right here and now!

“I will make the first move!” Aeron growled. His words were grabbed and grated in my ears. I slashed at the wolves who threw themselves in front of me, trying to slow me down. Aeron was now shifted into a third form I had never seen from any wolf. I let my claw rip through the stomach of a shifter as I leaped to attack Aeron on his head with my claws, but Aeron moved slightly to dodge the attack quickly. I kept a consecutive series of combos aiming directly to cause critical damage to Aeron, but he kept sliding off the attacks with little effort. “An Alpha this weak! You are not worthy of leading anyone! Just like your worthless True Alpha!” Aeron growled.

“What!” I roared. I jumped left, using my feet to spring off the side of a tractor, and aimed myself at Aeron. Aeron caught my hands and pulled me close, and I head-butted him in the face. He let go with a snap kick out, then spun around low, kicking me in the knee. I went down on the other, and he reached out, pulled my head to the side, and bit into my neck. I roared, and I felt the violet of my eye blaze as the next thing I knew, he took us into the sky. Aeron speed was unbelievable, and I knew it was because of the Alpha sacrifices. I twisted, using my hand to rack my claws across his face and my other hand to dig into his shoulder so I could spin myself onto his back. He bucked and threw me back toward the ground. I used the momentum of the fall to arrow myself at a mass of wolves who started to surround Dali and Max. I crashed into them and grabbed them one by one, ripping them to shreds, but I had no time to keep helping them as Aeron crashed by to the ground. The smokey dark wings folded back, and his crimson eyes burned with malice. Everyone froze for a second upon seeing Aeron barely hurt. I knew they noticed my wounds and the bones that started to snap back into place. That didn’t matter, though, because I was not about to let this thing win. However, the speed and power of Aeron were stronger than I thought. I had to find a way to fight a demon and a wolf.

“Ohh…, I think I underestimated you a little. You can take some hits and keep coming, but how long can you hold up to someone like me?” Aeron said with a sneer.

“You aren’t shit without that demon lending you power! You had to get it from a lesser being because you just weren’t strong enough on your own. So weak you have to go around stealing wolves to form a Pack. What you have isn’t a Pack, and you are not an Alpha!” I shouted.

“You don’t know shit! I thought you understood from the beginning I am no Alpha, but the True Alpha and all will kneel to me,” Aeron snarled. I growled and ran towards him. I let my full energy go and embraced my wolf. “That power you have is not enough!” He shouted. I got into his face, and Aeron moved his wings upwards to work simultaneously as an attack and defense. I directed all my speed to move fast and turned around as Aeron flew up. He didn’t see me move to get behind him, so I thought when he shifted and landed behind me. I felt my wolf pull me to the right, and I dodged a blow and used his outstretched arm to leap up and over him to get behind him. I bit Aeron’s neck ferociously as he tried to move his wings back and forth to make me let go of him. My fangs curved into hooks in this form, and the more he trashed, the deeper my fangs sank into his flesh. Aeron growled a strange and mighty roar simultaneously as if two voices screamed out while his crimson eyes went brighter than I had seen before.

All the fighting on the field stopped, as they couldn’t ignore what was happening around them.

That’s right! Bring the demon to the forefront. With that thought, Aeron got more and more difficult to control. He ripped his neck from my teeth and shot up into the sky as tainted blood rained down on the ground. I could see that he was healing, and I didn’t want to give him that chance. I started to leap up to grab at his ankle when Aeron opened his mouth, and a deep red fire shot out and came toward the ground directly at me. I moved, and the flames seemed to start spreading across the field, lighting everything it touched on fire. The howls of pleasure came from Aeron’s wolves while I looked for my own Pack. I saw the wolves and faces of my Pack members and saw that they couldn’t believe the abilities this demon had given Aeron. Mixed feelings of fear, confusion and wonder got a hold of them, and my wolf did not like that shit.

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