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Lilly actually disappeared under the sheet up to her eyeballs, which was fine with him. He didn’t need to see that much of Lilly, ever. Or his father’s ass.

“I did knock! And I’ve been calling you for ten minutes and you didn’t answer your phone. I thought you had a fucking heart attack. I was genuinely scared.”

“Sorry. I was busy.”

Bending over to catch his breath in relief, Sullivan shook his head, keeping his eyes studiously on the floor. Then he started laughing. “I guess so. Holy crap. Phew. Don’t scare me like that.”

His dad was nailing his best friend. What the fuck? They went to dinner for a first date on Friday and by Monday they were having morning sex? He had to hand it to the old man. He went for it.

“Shut the door behind you,” his father said, firmly. “I’ll call you later.”

Right. He was supposed to leave.

“Does this mean I have a new mom?” he joked as he backed up, thoroughly relieved and amused.

“Oh my God, stop,” Lilly said. “That’s not funny.”

He wasn’t sure how he felt about any of this, but he did know he loved both of them and they both deserved to be happy. Hell, if they found happiness with each other, he was all for it, even if it was a little shocking. Okay, a lot shocking.

And he hoped to never witness what he’d just seen ever again.

His dad threw a pillow at him. “Out, asshole.”

He easily caught the pillow with one hand. “Love you, too. Bye, Lilly.”

“Bye, Sullivan.”

He was still wrapping his head around Liam and Lilly hooking up when he wound up on the sidewalk outside his dad’s condo in downtown Beaver Bend. A giant and ancient Oldsmobile was attempting to parallel park without much success in front of him but it barely registered he was so distracted.

For a second, he still stood there, processing, then he shook his head and started laughing again. He’d been so damn sure his dad had suffered a heart attack. Quite the contrary, the old man hadnotbeen suffering.

“You could help instead of laughing at me,” a woman’s voice said sharply.

“What?” He straightened his shoulders and peered into the interior of the Oldsmobile. His eyes almost bugged out of his head. That had to be the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen behind the wheel, glaring at him. “Are you talking to me?” He pointed to his chest like an idiot.

“Do you see anyone else around here laughing?”

Whoa. The pretty woman was not happy with him. Her car was also up on the curb. “I was not laughing at you. I was laughing about something completely different, trust me. My dad and my friend were just…”

He stopped talking. He was oversharing. Possibly babbling. He never did that. Usually everyone in his life complained he didn’t share enough.

But this stranger had caught him off guard. He’d certainly hooked up with his fair share of hot women. He wasn’t usually struck stupid by a woman’s looks, but this woman had something about her that just hit him straight in the cock. Literally. If looks could kill he’d be on the ground clutching his junk. She was clearly not impressed with him. Which might explain his interest. He was a guy who liked a challenge.

She was blessed with a straight nose, high cheekbones, and perfect, full lips.

She was also ignoring him now. She was intently holding the steering wheel and revving her engine. She was stuck on the curb, the wheels just spinning.

“I wouldn’t—

The tires caught and the gigantic car shot forward, hitting a parking meter.

“Do that,” he finished. Fortunately, the car was essentially a tank. Neither she nor the car appeared hurt or damaged in any way. “I think you need to put it in reverse.”

She tucked her hair behind her ear and shot him a panicked look. “I’m trying! Nothing is happening.”

The tires were spinning again.

Sullivan started to get alarmed. “Stop pressing on the gas.”
