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“It’s fine. Just a little itchy.”

“Let’s talk,” he said, after they had sat down on the bench next to each other. “I had a fantastic time with you this weekend.”

To his surprise, Lilly sighed. “You don’t have to say anything, Liam. It’s okay. I understand if you don’t want to see me again.”

He hadn’t expected her to assume that at all and he felt horrible. “No, that’s not what I was going to say. Totally the opposite. Spend the night with me tonight, Lilly. I don’t want this to be a one-time deal. I want to keep seeing you.”

For most of the drive they had listened to music in mostly silence and he had contemplated this particular twist of fate. It had been an easy decision to tell her he wanted to date her, try their hand at a relationship. He went with his gut these days, and didn’t worry about any perceived obstacles. He liked Lilly. He thought she was amazing. He wanted to be with her.

It was that simple.

Lilly stared at Liam,her insides twisting, her heart swelling. She had thought for sure he had been in it for the sex. Well, obviously he was in it for the sex. So was she. But she’d just assumed it would be a hookup, nothing more. But he was saying he wanted todate. This was what she wanted, but she was nervous. She wanted to say yes, but she couldn’t seem to speak. The whole weekend had been exciting, fun, sexy. She wanted to see Liam again. “I’d like that,” she finally managed, though it sounded less enthusiastic than she meant it to.

“I wasn’t expecting this,” he continued. “But sometimes the best things happen when you least expect it. You’re amazing. You’re generous, you’re loyal, you’re intelligent, and you’re fucking gorgeous. More than you even know. You love children and when you laugh it goes all the way to your eyes. I want to explore more of this between us, of getting to know you and everything you are. I want to give you excitement and orgasms and a safe place for you to land when you’re having a bad day. I want to be there for you.”

Oh God. That was very, very sexy and appealing. “I think you’re amazing, too. I want to get to know you on every level, Liam. I haven’t felt this way in a long time. Maybe ever.” She wasn’t sure she should bring it up, but then felt like she had to, just so they were clear. “I want you to know that Sullivan isn’t an issue for me. I can see now I was hanging on to the idea of him because I was afraid to put myself out there. It was just comfortable. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

“Okay. I trust you. If you say it’s not an issue, then it’s not an issue.”

Just like that. She’d never had such a straightforward and easy experience with a man like this.

She closed the distance between them and kissed him softly. “Are you busy tomorrow?”


“Good.” There was no way she was going to work. She had a million sick days banked and she was going to use one. “Because I think I might be sick tomorrow morning and need to sleep in at your place.”

His thumb traced her bottom lip and he gave her a seductive smile. “Oh, I’ll take excellent care of you, I promise. I’ll make you breakfast and give you a back rub.”

She shivered. “Yes, please.”

She had hit the dating jackpot.

* * *

Sullivan lookedat the seven text messages he had sent his father without Liam responding as he quickly walked down the street to his father’s condo building. He put the phone to his ear and called him again, for the fourth time. It wasn’t like his dad to not answer. He hadn’t heard from him since Friday. Visions of his father on the floor in his condo had been plaguing him all morning.

Saturday it hadn’t seemed like a big deal, but where the hell could he be on a Monday morning? He rang the buzzer for his dad’s condo and got nothing.

Finally, he just used the spare key he had and went into the building. He knocked on his dad’s door several times.

Then he went out, freaking the fuck out.

“Dad! Are you okay, old man?” When he didn’t see anything in the living room, he went to the bedroom. “You’re not answering your— holy shit, what are you doing?” Sullivan drew up short, in total shock.

His dad was in bed. With Lilly. Naked. And very much alive.

He was cupping Lilly’s bare breast with his hand. And his tongue was in her mouth.

In. Her. Mouth.

Sullivan was speechless.

Liam broke the kiss off and turned.

Lilly shrieked and tried to hide behind Liam.

“Don’t you knock? For fuck’s sake, Sullivan.” His father yanked the sheet up over himself and Lilly.
