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“I daenae ken how ye do it,” he purred, trailing his feverish kisses down her throat.

“Do what?” she murmured, arching her neck back.

“Make me so ravenous for ye.”

She chuckled. “It’s the perfume. Every time ye smell it, ye want me.”

“Nay,” he said, tugging aside the neckline of her dress as his kisses fluttered lower. “It’s all of ye, My Love.”

She was about to make another amusing remark, when his mouth closed around her pert nipple and sucked gently. Stifling a gasp, she slid her fingers through his hair, relishing in the tiny bursts of pleasure that exploded through her chest.

A moment later, he drew back and took hold of her hand. The absence of his kiss and his touch made her yearn for more, as she allowed him to lead her across the gardens to the shade of a small orchard. It was hidden from the garden entrance, while the trees provided the perfect concealment for a pair of lovers who could not resist one another.

There, in the secret darkness, Felix pressed her back against the trunk of an old, giant apple tree. His lips sought hers with a renewed hunger, his tongue brushing against hers in a slow, sensual dance that never failed to make her legs feel weak.

As their mouths met in a frenzy of desire, Edwina wrapped her leg around her husband’s waist. His palm smoothed along her soft, pale thigh, gathering the material of her skirts against his wrist as he pushed them up to her hips. Already, her body pulsed with longing, her hidden depths eager to feel him inside her. Considering where they were, it would not be one of their lengthiest encounters, but she had come to relish in every kind of moment that they could steal together, outside of their chamber.

“I love ye,” she panted, as she lifted the wool of his plaid and tucked it into the belt, freeing his hardened length.

“As I love ye,” he growled, hoisting her up into his embrace, both her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

Taking himself in hand, he slid his width along the petals of her sex. She trembled with longing as she rocked her hips forward, gasping as she felt him come to rest at her entrance.

A moment later, he pushed inside her, slow and teasing. Her body seized for a few seconds, overwhelmed by the sensation of him sinking deep into the heat of her. It was always the same, as if her body needed a minute to adjust to the rush of pleasure that coursed through her veins, turning her into a vessel for bliss and bliss alone.

He stilled as he finally buried himself to the hilt, moaning softly against her neck. His lips were the first to remember their purpose, tracing fierce kisses up her throat until he found her mouth again. At the same time, he withdrew, before plunging back inside her in a firm, powerful stroke that brought a cry of pleasure to her lips. She pressed the sound to his mouth, smiling as he thrust again.

Driven by the thrill of being out in the orchard, making love to one another, Edwina and Felix moved as one. With every thrust he made, she matched it with her hips, reveling in the friction that turned her secret nub into a burning ember of ecstasy.

“Och, Lass,” Felix murmured against her mouth as he pressed her against the apple tree, sliding one hand between her thighs while his other cradled her backside.

His breathing shallowed as he plunged into her depths, his pace quickening as he touched his fingertips to her hidden pearl. She bucked against him as he began to rub intense circles, her cries becoming harder to stifle. Within the very fiber of her being, she felt the familiar gathering of her conclusion, rushing through her like storm clouds racing across the sky.

Spurred on, they settled into a swifter pace, their bodies united in their pursuit of a mutual conclusion. Edwina clung onto her husband’s shoulders as she rocked her hips back and forth, sensing that his release was not far away.

“I want to hear ye,” Felix gasped between kisses, while his fingertips strummed more vigorously. He always listened for the sounds of her pleasure, adapting to what she liked and what brought her the most intense pleasures.

He did not have to wait long, for no sooner had he spoken than Edwina’s conclusion reached its peak. She held onto him as if he were the only thing keeping her afloat, as a great wave of ecstasy pounded through her, tightening every muscle, tingling every speck of skin, and conjuring an almighty cry in her throat that she could not help but expel.

“Oh, My love! My love!”

A second later, his voice joined hers. “Och, Love—”

The pulse of his release sent a powerful current of bliss through her stomach, adding a fresh wave to the end of the last, prolonging it until she was not sure she could bear so much bliss in one go. Digging her fingernails into his back, she rode the powerful tide to its very end, her entire body relaxing as her conclusion ebbed into a sea of tiny throbs.

Smiling, Felix nuzzled into her neck. “Ye’re extraordinary, My Love.”

“Nay, ye are,” she protested playfully, cradling his head. “Although, I do hope nay one heard us.”

He chuckled. “I think they heard ye all the way in England, but ye mustnae mind. A happy Lady is a happy Laird, and a happy Laird means a happy Clan. So, in essence, ye’re doin’ everyone a favor.”

“Hmm… I dinnae realize that my pleasure was so important.”

He lifted his head. “Yer pleasure isveryimportant.”

He kissed her slowly, both of them savoring the afterglow of their lovemaking, before they had to return to their less exciting duties. His arms wrapped around her, holding her close, as they continued to let the rest of the world fade away for a short while.

In the months since their wedding and the unpleasantness with Victor, they had come to understand the true value of their time alone together. Whether they were dining or reading or talking or walking or making love, they were one another’s sanctuary, where nothing beyond the two of them mattered.

Sometimes, Edwina still thought of Victor, and the terrible changes that had turned him into a frightening monster. He had craved love but had never gained it, and it had made him cruel with envy and greed. In the end, it had killed him, and no one had really mourned his death after they found out why he had died.

As such, Edwina had made a vow to herself that she would cherish every moment of the love she shared with her husband, and that she would create a worthy life for the pair of them, so that theywouldbe remembered when they died.

Indeed, as she lost herself in her husband’s kiss, she knew that their life and their love would be one for the ages.

The End?
