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My bat brows shot up.

“Oh?” Alicia said.

“Seeing you again has made me remember our time together,” he said. “It’s made me long for more than what I currently have.”

“Oh. Well, Thierry, that is…very intriguing. I can’t help but feel the same way. When you brought her with you to meet me, I assumed it was a signal for me not to hope that we’d ever rekindle what we once had.”

“As you very well know, Alicia, marriages are not the end of potential relationships with other people.”

“Yes, indeed. I agree. And…it’s why I called you, actually. I’ve missed your body more than I can say, and I feel a great need to be reunited with it. I want to meet with you.”

“When?” Thierry asked without missing a beat.

“Now,” she said.


I could hear the anticipation in Alicia’s voice as she gave him the address to a bed and breakfast on the outskirts of town where she’d been staying.

“I’ll be there as soon as I can,” he told her before he ended the call.

“So,” I said. “A husband doesn’t usually talk to their mistress on speaker with their wife present. Even when the role of the wife is currently played by a winged rodent.”

“Indeed they don’t,” he agreed.

“I told you what she wants to do.”

“You did.”

“And you’re still going to meet with her?”

Thierry braced his hands on the steering wheel, his knuckles white. “Would you prefer that I leave town with my tail tucked between my legs?”

“No. And I hope you don’t mean that literally. No more animal parts needed than we already have, thanks.”

“Alicia must be stopped. And that grimoire you mentioned must be destroyed.”

I knew he was right, but it didn’t make it any better.

“Fine,” I said, pressing my furry cheek against the smooth leather of the dashboard. “But if you get body-snatched again by trying to do the right thing, I’m going to be really pissed.”

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