Page 13 of Model Billionaire

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By the quick kills happening around me, I know it’s only a matter of moments before I, too, have to kill this man. The last struggling body next to him gurgles, “Patrov.” And tries to toss him something that looks like a pill. He reaches for it, but I swat his hand away, and the pills fall into a puddle of blood on the ground. I feel a hot tear tool down the cracks of my hand as I look into his eyes.

“Romeo,” Odin whispers aggressively as he grabs my shoulder, and I look up to see the rest of the men climbing the wall to the vent. “Hurry.” he jumps up and crosses to the wall, and I look back into who I assume to be Patrov’s eyes.

“La nuova era sopravvive. Il vecchio morirà con te.” I whisper. And as I slide my blade across his throat, I imagine he is the one who killed my cousin. Call it instinct or projection, I don’t care because I’m getting the job done.

I continue to hold his mouth shut as I quickly slit his wrists and wait ten seconds for his body to relax. The moment it does, I leap up and sprint to the vent. One of my guys must have turned the tv up because it's blaring. It’s probably better that way. The noise of the men would have just sounded like a loud movie to passing civilians or neighbors.

I grab the air vent off the table next to the wall and proceed to climb as quietly as I can. Slowly, I screw it back into place and join the others on the roof.

“Let's go.” I nod, and the group proceeds the way we came— down the wall, across the other roof, then the fire escapes. Knox is waiting right outside for us as we quickly jump into the car, file in, and wait until the last door closes to speak. The instant I jump in the front next to Knox and close the door, the car bursts into stories overlapping with one another about what just transpired.

I feel a bit smug, if I’m honest. I pulled the entire thing off without a crack in the plan, and everyone played their part like a well-oiled machine.

“Great job, guys,” I call back, and someone pats me on the shoulder. Honestly, I could lead every excursion we have from here on out. This whole night was a breeze, and I’ll make it to Nobu with twenty minutes to spare. Half the guys who didn’t get any blood on them agreed to join me inside for protection. I only got my trench coat bloodied, so I leave that behind for Knox to deal with, and we hop out of the car.

The boys go ahead of me, and I decide to wait outside. Twenty-five minutes pass, and I continue to pace outside Nobu. Lydia has yet to appear.

I know she didn’t stand me up because she texted me that she’d be here right before we broke in to complete our mission. My phone is in my pocket, so I reach for it and open it up to see if she’s messaged me back, but I see nothing. My thumb clicks the call button before I can stop myself. Instead of immediately hanging up, I proceed to call her a couple more times until she answers.

This is a virgin move, and I have no idea why the fuck I do it. But sheisthe hottest woman I’ve ever seen, so that may have something to do with it. After the fourth attempt, it rings three times and then stops.


I hear her voice, but it doesn’t quite sound like her. Something is off, but I ignore it.

“Hey, where are you?” There is a brief pause, like she can’t just tell me she isn’t coming or something.

“Hey.” She says again, and I grow annoyed. If she would rather not meet me, she’ll have to tell me. I’m not fucking around.

“Hi. We’ve already done this. Where are you?”

“I’m in my apartment. I— ” I

f she says she isn’t coming, I’m done. She’ll be a co-worker, and that’s it. I don’t have time to waste, and I surely have no problem getting whatever woman I want.

“I’ll be at Nobu in— ”

I wait with far too much anticipation for someone who just resolved to not give two fucks. “Ten minutes.” I can hear an apologetic smile in her voice, and I’m sold. Hooked on her again, the way I was this morning when we were kissing for cameras.

“Okay, Lydia. See you then.” I try to sound even-tempered, not too eager.

“See you.” She sounds the same, hanging up before I can ask any further questions. I let out a short breath that evokes a little cloud of condensation around my mouth before shoving my phone into my pocket. It's ridiculous to wait out here a moment longer, so I head inside and ask for a table. The woman leads me and my security right away to a booth in the front window, where lit candles rest in the center of the table, and the area is emptier than the rest of the restaurant.

“Thank you.” I nod, and my security sits at the table across from the booth, where I take my seat and text Lydia to tell her where we’re seated.

Just like she said, she comes around the corner and past the window shortly, looking incredible in an all-black see-through dress. I know it’s Gucci, but on her, it looks like something custom. I'd imagine with a body like hers, she could wear anything and have the sex appeal of a million naked women and the beauty of the purest, untouched snowfall.

Patiently, I wait for her to enter the restaurant and watch her through the window as she passes with a purposeful walk that lets me know she feels sorry for being so late. After a moment, I stand, anticipating her without looking to know if she’s made it inside. I smell her intoxicating perfume as I reach out my hand to help her to her seat.

She smiles a pearly grin behind bold red lips that honestly arouses me with little effort. I lick my lips and watch as she sits, making sure she’s comfortable, her hand still resting in mine. She seems to like this, her deep green eyes blinking up at me with intrigue as I study her for a moment longer than I should.Yep, I need to fuck this woman. Let’s just skip dinner, and I’ll fuck her on the table instead.

I sit down, realize I’m still holding on to her hand, and bring it to my mouth. Her skin is soft when my lips graze over it, and my chest feels that pull of a thousand magnets, like when I touched her earlier today. She lightly pulls her hand from mine as I lower it, cheeks growing pink as she looks down at her lap.

“So interesting.” I say softly as I focus on the details of her immaculate face.

“What?” She nearly whispers as she leans in, sending chills down my spine. I take a moment more to say with my eyes what I need her to know— that I want to fuck her— and then continue.

“You’re the only thing I’ve ever looked upon that is without flaw.”
