Page 14 of Model Billionaire

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Her eyes go wide, brows rising sharply as she scoffs.

“What?” I ask, leaning in as that magnetism draws us closer.

“What number am I?” She grins.


“Yes. As in, how many women have you said this to before?”

I let out a laugh and sheepishly lower my eyes to the tabletop. I want to tell her that she’s number eleven or some bullshit like that, so I don’t appear too infatuated, but I can’t bring myself to lie.

“You’re the first.” I tell her, and she bites her bottom lip.

“Oh, I doubt that very much, Romeo.”

I love the way she says my name, or maybe I just like hearing it come out of her mouth.Is that narcissistic?

“I promise you, Lydia. A woman like you doesn’t deserve to be lied to, even if it does make said the man telling the truth look embarrassingly smitten.”

“How loquacious of you.” She smirks, eyes looking up at mine, chin tilted up knowingly.

“How am I loquacious?”

“You talk a lot of bullshit.” That pearly grin appears again, and I grab my chest like I’m wounded. She rolls her eyes and sits back, grinning at me like she’s won an argument I didn’t know we were having. I think she has, though— won the argument. I lick my lips and relax against the booth, mimicking her movements just as the waiter comes to take our drink orders. It’s only the gentlemanly thing to do, to allow her to go first. So, I point to her to give her order first, and she asks for a double Salvatore’s Legacy (a 9k price point and I’m paying). I tilt my head amused because she is completely unfazed by this, as I order the same thing.

“You know I’m paying.” I lift my chin to her and say this more like a question than a statement. I know we’re Miu Miu models, but that’s a lot to put down for a model living in LA. Guess I don’t actually know anything about her family. She could be rich for all I know.

“Yes.” She nods with a grin. “But I can pay for us if—“

“No, no.” I wave my hand for her to not finish that sentence. I would pay anything to sleep with this woman— a 20k tab included. She raises her brows inquisitively.

“What?” My face hurts from smiling so much, but I continue to do so, grinning like I’m besotted. That’s a scary thought, but I don’t have time to think about it because she’s speaking again, and I have to hang on to every word.

“You must be very well-off. I mean, if you can afford this type of dining…”

“And you must be very smart to assume I could afford it.” I quip.

“Mmm. Maybe, but you do look the part.”

“What? Rich Italian guy?”

She tilts her head back and forth to consider my words.

“Yes,” she nods. “Hotrich Italian guy,” she adds, continuing to nod. Her little laugh escapes her lips and I join in, pressing my tongue to my cheek as the waiter places our drink in front of us.

“Thank you.” I nod his way, not breaking eye contact with Lydia.God. She is fucking incredible.

“We’ll have the seafood four-course with chef’s choice sushi.” I glance at him to make sure he’s got my order. He quickly pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he fiddles with his pen and notebook.

“Is that all?” he asks, still scribbling furiously on the notebook.

“Yes. For now.” I nod and he beams at us both, probably knowing he’s going to get a good tip.

“I’ll have that first course right out!” He turns, practically skipping out of the seating area and across the restaurant towards the kitchen. I breathe a laugh and turn back to Lydia, who is focusing intently on her phone.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, and she nearly jumps, raising her head quickly and shoves her phone back into her purse.

“Yes. My— grandmother is in the hospital. Pneumonia.” She swallows, and I can see her eyes brimming with tears. I don't do emotions, so this is not a good start for me. I clear my throat to say something, but thankfully she cuts me off.
