Page 23 of Code Billionaire

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“Goodnight.” I close Scout's car door as she offers me a smile in return. I can’t tell how she feels about what just happened, but I feel phenomenal. Seeing her like that, knowing my tech worked and experiencing such mind-blowing pleasure at the same time, it’s enough to be on cloud nine; I do have a sneaking suspicion that she was withholding something as I walked her to the car just moments ago.

I slink into the backseat as my driver starts the car, and I try to go back over what happened after the fact. You know, just to pinpoint a moment where her eyes shifted ever-so-slightly, and definitely not the fact that I like remembering her nearly naked body laying across my desk, or how I can still taste her on my tongue.

I don’t recall a time in my life when feelings like this ever occurred for anyone else. Occasionally, I think I can read her mind, but I wouldn’t tell her that, or anyone for that matter. It sounds just about as stupid as it gets.

Maybe I’ll surprise her after work with the tickets?Or maybe I should text her now so she’s not caught off guard. I’m genuinely pondering this all the way home. I toss up which idea I think will play out better and which one seems more desperate. Do girls care about that? Certainly, Scout wouldn’t. But then again, I don’t know how she feels about me, just that we enjoy each other's company.

I am tempted to just leave it at that. It’s not the worst fate to be dealt with to spend time with someone you care about without touching them.

“Hey.” Vince’s voice stops me as I am about to walk past him. “Where were you?”

“Working late.” I shrug and make my way to the staircase.

“With Scout?” I stop at the bottom step and turn my head to see he’s grinning.

“What are you doing?”

“What do you mean?”

“Why are you asking me about Scout?”

“Well, you work with her.”

“Yeah. And? I work with other people too, but you never ask me about them.”

“Okay.” He raises his hands in surrender, still beaming like a crazy person.

“Could you just tell me whatever this look is about? I’ve got a lot to think about, and I would rather not wonder why you’re being so… annoying.”

“Alright.” He chuckles, unfazed by a tone I never use with anyone. “It’s just you two seem to be spending a lot of time together.”

“I feel like we’re going around in circles here….”

“I’m just wondering.”

“I don’t know.” I shrug.

“Don’t know if you like her?”

“Don’t know what we are.”

“Oh!” He looks at me knowingly. “So, you’re there already.”

“What?” He takes a step closer and places a hand on my shoulder. I furrow my brows curiously, wondering where the actual fuck he’s going with this.

“Just tell her.” He nearly whispers like he’s my samurai trainer, preparing me for battle with his wise words.

“I’m sorry… Did I miss something?”

“Look, I’ve been here before.”


“You know… you like her, but you won’t admit to yourself that you like her, but then you realize you do and—”

“Woah, woah, woah.” I brush his hand off my shoulder. “That’s just not… no.”
