Page 24 of Code Billionaire

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“Am I wrong?” Why the hell is he all of a sudden so nosy about my love life?

“Did you only hire Scout to set me up with a girl?” I jump to the conclusion and voice it before I can use any filter of sanity to diffuse the accusation.

“What? No.” He shakes his head vehemently. “But, would that really be so bad?”

“So you did?”

“No. Tito, all I’m trying to get at is that you deserve happiness too. Before Jess, I didn't know what real love was or what it could do to a person. I couldn't imagine a world without her now that she’s in it, and I just want that same happiness for you. So I’m asking… How do you feel about her?

“Well, I mean… I know I like her, but we fucking work together. But then, I also got these tickets to an anime convention, and I wanted to take her on Saturday. As in, a date. It’s just, I want to avoid seeming too lead-foot-on-the-gas-pedal, you know?”

Vince is blinking at me, trying to process my words before he slowly nods.

“Jess and I worked together too. Shit happens. Just ask her to go with you. Trust me when I say, avoiding your feelings is the last thing you should do. Whatever the reason may be, none are good enough when it comes to these types of things.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Thanks, man.” I’m not a hundred percent convinced, but knowing Vince won’t be furious with me is something.

“Vince?” I yell and hear his footsteps tapping closer to the foyer.

“Should I ask her tonight or surprise her tomorrow?” He is silent for a second, so I add, “for the anime convention.”

“Surprise her.”

“Great, thanks.”

“Anytime, little brother.” I hear him call as he walks back down the hall. I shake my head with a quiet laugh that I can’t hold in at his ridiculousness and make my way to my room. Just as I’m about to enter it, I hear someone clear their throat. I turn to look across the hall to see where it came from and drop my jaw immediately upon seeing the source.

“Olive!” She’s beaming at me as we both leap across the hall and embrace. “I thought you weren’t coming back this summer? What happened to your trip to Santorini?” She laughs into my shirt before pulling away from the hug.

“Got canceled.” She shrugs with a grin that tells me there’s more to the story.

“Well, I want to hear about everything; how college is, how your crazy friends are doing, and what wild thing you’re into right now.”


“But, I have to go to sleep.” She pretends to pout at my words, but I know she’s actually disappointed.

“You never go to bed early.”

“I know.” I ruffle her hair that's shorter than mine, and she swats at me with a laugh. She catches my hand in the process, and her eyes go wide.

“Are you working?”

“Yep! Might be adding tech to the mafia if it all goes well.”

“Oh my God, Tito. That's incredible!”

“Thanks.” I pucker my lips into a grin as I shrug and lower my head.

“Moving up in the world.”


“Alright, well, get to sleep, grandpa, and we can talk… tomorrow evening?” She points a finger at me as she backs up towards her room.

“As long as it’s past midnight.” I laugh and turn back to my room.

“I wouldn’t assume any earlier.” She puts on a posh accent that makes me roll my eyes jokingly at her. Her little giggle in response reminds me of when she was little, and I step inside my room with a smirk because of it.
