Page 74 of Snow Hunted

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No. I dismissed it. Too quick and not painful enough.

How could I make it public, but also make it gruesome? I sighed, irritated by the laws that had been put into place over the last several years, making executions more humane.


No. That is not how you controlled your kingdom. Without fear, people would do what they felt like when they felt like it.

Perhaps they needed to be reminded of who they were dealing with.

“My Queen,” the frumpy woman bustled in. “Is everything ok? I heard glass breaking.”

I jerked around to stare at her. How dare she enter my chambers without my permission.

“It’s fine! Get out!” I snapped, waving my hand in the air.

Again, I thought in furthered frustration. No respect. No fear.

I would make them fear me.

“Wait.” I softened my tone.

She paused and walked back in.

“When was the rule changed for executions?”

She smiled, happily. “Oh, maybe seventeen or eighteen years ago. It was the first order the king passed after the birth of his daughter.”

“Fucking Snow White.” I mumbled.

“I’m sorry. What did you say?”

I dismissed her question, waving my hand in the air. “Nothing.” I walked closer to her and relished in the fact she tensed up. She feared me, as she should be. “How would we overturn the rule?”

“You want to allow executions?” She asked, perplexed.

“Yes. I believe that is what I asked. Are you daft?”

She hurriedly shook her head, “No, my Queen. I wanted to make sure I understood the question, that is all.”

I raised my chin, looking down my nose at her. “So?”

“The King would have to overturn it.”

“The King? In his fragile mental state, I’m not sure…” I let a single tear roll down my cheek and walked to stand by the window.

“Perhaps the courts would accept a paper signed by the King?” She offered slowly.

I turned to face her. “A paper you say?”

She nodded nervously. “A doctor,” she paused, then continued, “could sign a document about his current state,” she quickly added, “but ensuring he is of sound mind to make the change.” She clasped her hands in front of her again. “And then a second document could be written and signed by the King… reversing the ruling. A certified carrier could then deliver it to the courts, reversing it…”

I narrowed my focus on her. “I see.

She stood up straight. “Should I line up a doctor for the King? He was looking rather ill earlier when I checked on him.”

I nodded slowly. “Yes please. I had feared the betrayal of his daughter would weigh too heavily on him. She was the last thing he had to hold on to from his late wife and now… she has tainted her image.” I shook my head, grabbing my side. “I’m still dealing with the trauma myself.”

“You are beyond amazing, my Queen.”
