Page 75 of Snow Hunted

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I rolled my eyes, turning away. “Very well. Be on your way and let me know once it is all arranged. I will handle the document the King needs to sign and get that to you soon.”

“Absolutely my Queen.” She nodded and backed out of the room.

I walked over to the mirror on the wall once I was alone. “Mirror, mirror on the wall… where is that bitch Snow White?” I spat through gritted teeth.

The very thought of her name, the way it felt on my tongue, caused me to seethe with anger.

“My Queen, she is in Falkum’s Forest currently, on her way back to the seventh mountain where she lives with the seven miners.”

“Show me!”

“Very well, my Queen.”

The mirror swirled like it was made of silver satin ribbon and showed Snow trekking through the forest with her bow on her back.

A devilish smile spread across my face.

She was alone.

Foolish girl!

She was going to make this too easy.

I paced around the room. What to do? What to do?

I gazed out the square pane window at the grounds people doing their mundane jobs. They were fortunate because they didn’t have actual problems to deal with. Their largest concern was trying to figure out which pile to shovel the shit into.


So simple, blending into the background.

A thought crossed my mind.

I could shift into an old peasant woman and no one would suspect me.


There was one in the dungeons I could use. Only problem to solve was her life.

Once she was dead, I could shift into her skin and viola!

This would be perfect!

I will leave in the night.

Chapter twenty

Snow - Truth Told

Ican’tbelievethatbastard left me in the middle of the woods on my own!

I looked up and saw the house in the distance, snaking up the tree with smoke coming out of the chimney.

Would he be there? If he was, what would I say to him? What would he say to me? Part of me was pissed that he left me, the other part was not sure how things would be between us after this trip. The soreness between my legs was a gentle reminder of what we shared.

I opened the door and found Enzo swinging from the exposed beams, while Calix chuckled from behind the bar top in the kitchen.

Enzo saw me walk in and dropped just in front of me. “Scarlet!” He grabbed my hands. “Where did you go?” He spun me in a circle.
