Page 133 of Enemies with Benefits

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We all nod in agreement. “Okay, maybe you win this one. Especially since they read your chart wrong during surgery and removed your balls.”

"Fuck off. Per my fiancée, my balls are still there and perfect.”

“Can wenottalk about your balls?” Jesus. I walk up to Levi and press my hand on his shoulder. “Gonna miss you, buddy. Don’t stay gone too long.”

“Family never does.”

And that’s what we are. Since the first grade, it’s been us. Friends. Brothers. Family. Peering over at Makayla, I take her in as she laughs at something Bridget says. I glance at each of our girls, thankful for every single one. How they make my boys so damn happy. How much our family has grown. I imagine us standing here one day with our kids running around. Mini crying Chases and know-it-all Levi’s. My chest swells with pride at how life has worked out for us all. Minus the stalkers. I shake my head and take a sip of my beer. You literally couldn’t make that shit up.

“You set a date yet?”

Levi pulls me from my thoughts, and I turn to him. “Yeah.”

“Well, shit, tell us. Gotta be prepared for our screaming women. Hannah gets so emotional over that shit.”

“Date for what?” Kip asks.

“Our boy Benny here’s gonna ask Mak to marry him.”

Kip smiles from ear to ear. “I knew it, man.”

I look over at Chase. My brows crease. “Dude, seriously? Are you on your period or something?”

“What? No! I’m fine. I just think it’s going to be so special. He let me help pick out the ring—”

“I didn’t have a choice. You showed up at my place when I was leaving.”

“Well, you said you didn’t know what to pick, so I helped.”

“No, I said I didn’t need help picking.” I shake my head at my best friend, a guy who’s been there for me since we were little shits. “Whatever. It’s done. Gonna do it next week after the closing.”

My nerves spike just thinking about it. I’m not nervous she’ll say anything but yes. I’m anxious about what comes after. Making her my wife. Building a life with her. Watching her belly grow with my kid. Being the man she deserves. Because she deserves the goddamn world.

“Congrats. You two deserve happiness. Can’t say I didn’t see this coming, but life has a strange way of throwing us all some pretty crazy curveballs.”

Chase raises his beer. “Cheers. To us. May we continue to take life by the balls. To friendship that’s rare and unbreakable. And to love—because that shit’s one hell of a drug.”

My chest rumbles as we all press our bottles together. “Cheers.”

Damn, he’s right. Because I’m high off my girl, and I plan on never coming down.

The End
