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Kipley’s strange aunt steps in front of me, and I almost barrel over her. I squint one eye and look down at her, internally grunting. “Hey, Aunt Getty. It’s Ben.”

“You know, Bill, I dated a firefighter back in my day. Before my William. He used to show me how to put out fires.” She reaches up and pats my arm. “He was very talented with his mouth.” Then she winks at me.

“Uh. . . that’s great. I actually see someone in distress.” That person being me. “I. . . need to go. Enjoy the wedding.” I slide out of her hold and make a beeline for the bar.

“What are you girls talking about?” I say as I walk up to Chase and Levi. They look like they’re about to cry and hug it out.

“When Chase set me up in the closet,” Levi replies.

I burst out in a laugh. “Rebecca was so pissed. Didn’t she slap you?”

“Hell yeah. But that was the least of my worries.” Kip’s wedding seems like it was just yesterday. Levi was sulking over a bad breakup, so Chase did what he does best and set Levi up with a surprise hook-up in the supply closet during the reception. Too bad—or good, for Levi—Hannah intervened, and yeah. . . the rest is history.

“Well, it all worked out. I mean, maybe not for Rebecca—”

“What are you all laughing about?” Kip walks up.

“Your wedding when Levi—”

Levi cuts me off. “When I drank too much and barfed in one of the centerpieces.” I hold in a chuckle. Kip still has no idea his best friend railed his sister without knowing it was his sister at his wedding.

“Gross, man. You know, Stacey spent a lot of time picking those out.”

“And I spent a lot of time vomiting in one.”

I turn around and snake a glass of champagne from a server while Levi lies through his teeth.Tsk tsk.Lies, lies, they’re no fun. All they do is hurt someone.I hum the song my mom used to say to me in my head.

The DJ switches up the song as I turn around. I stare off at the dance floor and take in the potential in store for me tonight, steering clear of anyone associated with Kip since I don’t want to be round three for him. A smokin’ hot brunette dancing catches my eye. Long legs. Deep, catlike eyes. A rack that would fit perfectly in my hands. . .

“Dude, who’s that chick?”

They all pause and look to where I’m pointing. My eyes light up like the Fourth of July. The way she moves those hips. My dick twitches at the thought of her under me, caressing those hips, saying sweet, sweet nothings until she’s melting in my arms. Yep. . . she’s mine tonight. I slam my drink and step forward when Levi presses his hand across my chest. “Uh. . . not a good idea, man.”

“Why not? She looks like agreatidea to me.” A few Ben one-liners and we’ll take this party up to my hotel room.

“Seriously, dude. Not a good idea,” Kip agrees.

I push Levi’s hand away. “Fuck it, I’m goin’ in.” I slam my empty glass into Levi’s chest. He snatches it as I walk off into the crowd. Or sway. Shit.Sober up just a tad, my friend.I take a deep breath as I make it to the center of the dance floor. Exactly in front of her.

She doesn’t notice me at first. Too busy dancing with another girl. She looks familiar. Probably a high school friend of Hannah’s. Either way, I make myself known and wind my way into her personal space. When her eyes finally lock on mine, they widen, and the perfect shade of green blazes back at me.

“Hey, there, beautiful. Mind if I steal you for a dance?” I’m not happy that I slurred there slightly. She’s possibly not too happy either since she’s offering me a slight glare instead of a willing smile.

“Are you serious right now?” she says, a coldness in her tone.

Maybe it’s me, but she doesn’t seem very friendly. She’s super-hot, though. And even though her frigid stare is kind of vicious, her eyes are doing strange things to my plus one. My dick. He’s my plus one since I have no date. “Definitely serious. I’ve been watching you, and I couldn’t help but come over, wondering why a stunning woman like yourself is dancing alone.”

“I’m not,” she hisses. Her friend next to her giggles, then turns to dance with someone else. The hot chick rolls her eyes at her friend jumping ship and turns back to me. “You’re, like, for real right now? Asking me ifIwant to dance?”

“I mean, the way you’re looking at me, I think you want to do more than dance. But I’m a gentleman, so we can start slow.” Maybe that came off too chauvinistic, but fuck it, I’m drunk, and the night isn’t getting any younger.

“Oh my God, wow. You don’t—”

“I don’t what? Whatever it is, I do. Icertainlydo.”

She stares up at me for a beat. Then something clicks. Making up her mind, a seductive smile spreads across her beautiful cheeks. “All right. Yeah. I agree. This isn’t the kind of dancing I prefer.” Her hand raises, and she takes a single finger and presses it to my chest. The simple touch sets my skin on fire. This time, I feel distressed in a whole different way. Her eyes gleam up at me with such intention, I have to internally scream for my dick to stay down.

“Yeah. Sweet. Me either. Wanna get out of here?” That may have sounded too eager, but with how close she is, the smell of her skin, the way her eyes spark with mischief—it all fuels my anticipation. I want her more than I want to breathe. She grabs my hand, and I love how her soft skin feels sliding into my grip. Pulling me away from the dance floor, she turns her head slightly, giving me the perfect view of her rosy cheeks and cute nose. Her lips perk into the sexiest smile, and I swear I just fell in love.
