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“Hold on. I just have to get something from a friend.” She stops and turns away from me. “Hey, Brit.” The girl turns, her face flushed from dancing and being overserved.

“Hey, what’s—what the hell are you doing with—?”

“I just met this guy. We’re gonna go have some fun. . .” Her friend doesn’t seem too pleased since she’s looking at me like I have horns. “I was wondering if you brought that bag of fun you were telling me your husband got you? From Hannah’s bachelorette party?”

Bachelorette party favors? Now we’re talkin’. My kinky radar didn’t go off when I approached this one, but I’m definitely not going to complain. Her friend eyes me up and down, and I offer her my award-winning seductive smile. Chicks rarely back down from it. Okay, maybe this one will. She’s about to burn a hole between my eyes.

“Yeah, I brought it, but why—”

“Thanks. Can I have your key?”

“Honey, I know you’ve had a few, but do you realize what you’re doing?”

She slowly nods. “I sure do. Trust me.” Another round of death stares and the girl digs into her bustline and pulls out a room key. “Thanks!” Before I can wave goodbye, she’s dragging me away.

“She seems friendly,” I say as we enter the lobby.

“Yep,” is all she says.

I sneak a glance her way. She stares at the elevator, chewing on her bottom lip. I’m tempted to press her against the wall, steal that lip, and pull it between my teeth. The elevator opens, and I miss my chance. She walks in, and I follow like an obedient puppy, ready for his treat.

“We have to stop on the fourth floor,” she says as she presses the button.

“Perfect. I’m on the same floor.” I wink at her, but she doesn’t take the bait. Am I reading this one all wrong? “We can always go to your room if you’re more—”

“Nope. Yours is perfect.” The door opens, and her hand is again in mine, hauling me out. She stops a few doors down from mine and swipes the key. “Wait here.” She disappears for no more than a minute, and returns holding—

“Are those—handcuffs?” She doesn’t even give me a chance to ask about the rope.

She glances up at me, and the deviant look in her eyes stirs my desire. “You’re into this, right? Or have I read you all wrong?”

I can be into a lot of things if she’s the one offering. “Oh, I’m into this.” She grabs my hand and drags us down the hallway until we find my room. I fumble with my key card, then swipe it. Before I can pull back, she pushes me through the open door.

“Feisty little—”

“Shut up,” she demands. I attempt to straighten myself, but she grips my dress shirt, forcing me to walk backward. “So, tell me more about how you think I’m—what’s the word you used? Beautiful?”

The way the lights shined against her skin on the dance floor, she was beautiful. The dim light of my hotel room casting her in a soft glow, she's flawless. She traps her bottom lip between her teeth again, and I can’t take another second. Reaching for her, I slide my arm around her waist and haul her forward. A mousy squeal falls from her luscious mouth.

I halt her just as her lips touch mine. I love her intake of breath as I lean closer, teasing her. “I was trying to be kind back there. You ain’t beautiful, sweetheart. You’re breathtaking.” I claim her mouth. My grip on her waist tightens, and I twist her, pressing her against the wall. At first, she’s hesitant to kiss me back. My fingers roam down her backside until I’m gifted a handful of her delectable ass. Squeezing it in my palm, I pull her into me, and she melts.Bingo.She raises her arms, wrapping them around my neck and pulls me closer, returning the kiss fervently, and I love every damn second of it.

“You taste like vanilla and champagne. Sugary sweet.” Our tongues collide, and I swallow her moan as I explore every inch of her. “Perfect,” I murmur, putting everything into this kiss. I’m riding so high right now, I can’t imagine how I’m going to feel when I have her bare and under me. My right hand trails up her side, and I can’t help but graze her breast, then squeeze her tit over her dress. “Fuck, these are nice.” They’ll be even nicer when I’m sucking them into my mouth. It’s impossible to hide my hard-on. This chick feels right in my arms. I release my hold on her waist so my free hand can ride up her dress, but she pushes me off her. Hating the absence of her sweet mouth, I stare down at her, confused. “What’s—?”

“I call the shots. If you want to have the most memorable night of your life, one you’ll never forget, you obey me. Understood?”

I may have just died and gone to heaven. Yep. Definitely hot, feisty, and perfect. I put my hands up in surrender. “Whatever you say, sweetheart.”

She pushes off the wall and steps toward me. Gripping my bowtie, she tows me over to the bed. “I want you naked. Right now.”

My eyes widen. Excitement blasts through me. Her spitfire attitude turns me on so much, I fear I won’t make it to the good part. “Yes. . . and I never got your name—”

“No need for it. We won’t be doing much talking.”

Fuck. Yeah.

My balls tighten. I have to take a deep breath to calm myself. “Have it your way. I have a feeling our bodies will be doing most of the talking anyhow.” I yank at my bowtie, untying it. She watches as I remove my suit coat and vest. I love how her eyes dilate as I unbutton the last button of my dress shirt and slide it off my shoulders. That’s right. Soak it in. Being a firefighter has its perks. One being my fit-as-fuck body. Her eyes fall to my chest, then lower as I unbuckle my belt. Dropping it to the floor, I work off my pants, pushing my boxers down.

Her intake of breath is music to my ears. That’s right. I’m well built in all areas. “What now, sweetheart?” She blinks, breaking the spell my friend below has her in. Her eyes drag up my chest and lock on mine. She licks her lips.
