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Her heart flipped again. He had admitted he didn’t harbour any romantic feelings towards her. He just wanted a wife who would suit him. So why was he bringing her a romantic gift? Why was he still pursuing her when she had rejected him outright?

She cursed herself. She shouldn’t have acted so impulsively yesterday and gone into that house with him. She had broken her own rules to keep all gentlemen at a safe distance. He had clearly thought she was encouraging him, despite her rejection. And she had no one but herself to blame.

But as she watched him bound up the front steps towards the door, something changed within her. It was very strange indeed. Something that she had never felt before.

She was looking forward to his visit.

Chapter 11

Jane was properly seated by the time the Earl of Carlisle walked into the parlour. Marianne was by her side, as was Lucy, who was so furious she had two red spots upon her cheeks.

“He might be here to call uponme,” said her cousin in a huffy whisper. “He may have decided you are not worth pursuing after you rejected his proposal, Cousin. It would make far more sense, would it not?”

“Perhaps you are correct, Cousin,” said Jane, trying to sound bored. “I guess we shall find out soon enough.”

But inside, Jane was not quite as indifferent as she was pretending. It hadn’t occurred to her that the Earl may indeed be here to call upon Lucy instead of her. And Lucy was right—itwouldmake sense for him to try his luck with the next eligible young lady in the house if he simply wanted to procure a wife as quickly as possible.

Why would he persist with her when she had already flat out rejected him, especially when he didn’t harbour any romantic feelings towards her?

But then, she recalled the posy in his hands. Flowers that grew beside the sea. He knew how much she loved the sea. It had to be for her, didn’t it?

I do not want him to have romantic feelings towards me nor to pursue me, she thought, bewildered by her reaction to her cousin’s words.It would be a relief if he transferred his attention to Lucy. What has come over me?

Jane tried to make her expression as impassive as possible. The Earl stood before them. He bowed, and the ladies curtseyed. There was an awkward silence as they waited for him to speak.

Without preamble, he thrust the posy towards Jane. “For you, Lady Jane. I am here to call upon you if you are not busy.”

Jane took the posy, lowering her face to look at it, so Lucy couldn’t see the flush of pleasure and triumph there. Hewashere to call upon her.

“Of course, my lord,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady. “Please, do sit down.” She hesitated. “The flowers are lovely.”

They moved towards the settees near the mantelpiece. Lucy didn’t accompany them. She was already marching out of the room in a noisy manner, trying to command as much attention as possible. But to Jane’s delight, Lord Carlisle didn’t even glance at her. Not once. Lucy’s show was all for nothing.

“I shall be in the corner embroidering,” said Marianne, a wide smile upon her face.

After Marianne had left them to it, he fumbled in his pocket for a moment before producing the small black box she had seen in his hand as he exited his carriage. He held it out to her.

“It is not much,” he said in a hesitant voice. “A mere trifle. But it reminded me of you for some reason.”

Jane blushed to the roots of her hair. She opened the box. A small brooch nestled inside it. It was sculpted into the shape of a seashell, sparkling with tiny stones of marcasite. A truly beautiful thing.

“Thank you, my lord,” she said, feeling strangely emotional. “It is lovely. You really should not have gone to so much trouble.” She hesitated, staring up at him. “But I cannot accept it.”

His face fell. “Oh, do not say that! I trawled through the whole jewellery store in town for it. And what would I do with it if you do not accept it? Please. It is just a token. It does not mean we are engaged or anything.” He laughed uncertainly.

Jane bit her lip. She wasn’t used to this at all. No gentleman hadevergiven her jewellery. And while she knew she shouldn’t encourage him, the brooch was indeed lovely. And he had gone to a lot of trouble to find one that he knew she would like. It told her he was trying, just a little, to make up for the disastrous proposal.

She hesitated. If she didn’t know any better, she would think it averyromantic gesture indeed. But he had admitted he didn’t want romance, hadn’t he? Perhaps it was safe to accept it.

She took a deep breath. “Very well. Thank you.”

He looked pleased. She put the brooch aside. There was another awkward silence.

He leaned forwards. “I wanted to tell you that I have done it,” he said in a low whisper. “You are looking at the new owner of Cliff Lodge.”

“Oh, well done!” she exclaimed, feeling strangely pleased. “It is such a lovely home.”

He nodded. “Indeed, it is. As it has been neglected for so long that it requires much work. I have plans for it, which I will commence immediately.” He paused, looking straight into her eyes. “I hope it shall be ready before the summer is gone.”
