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Jane smiled. It was such a beautiful house, in a spectacular location. “How lucky you are,” she said. “It has always been a silly secret dream of mine to own that house.” She laughed. “Which is of course ridiculous, given that it is impossible for me to own any property.”

“You would buy a house for yourself if you were able?” He sounded shocked. “I suppose I have never considered that a lady might have that desire.”

Jane sighed. “Ladies are just people, my lord,” she said in an exasperated voice. “All women are just people. We have the same desires as men, although for most of us, it has been bred out of us. Suppressed. Some ladies desire to sail the world or have occupations, or even own their own property. Some desire independence.” She paused. “We are not all dependent creatures wanting a man to rescue us, you know.”

He looked taken aback. “Are you a bluestocking, Lady Jane?”

She gave a bark of laughter. “No, I am not a bluestocking, although I do support women who desire an equal education to a man. Why cannot a woman have a good education if she is clever enough to do so?”

He stared at her, his brown eyes filled with shock. Lord Carlisle had obviously never talked frankly about these issues with any other lady. She knew it was hardly surprising. Most ladies didn’t eventhinkabout such things, never mind speaking about them. They were totally and utterly conditioned to want nothing from life except what they had been told they must.

Jane had been like them once. When she was younger, she had never even thought about such things. Before her mother’s deathbed confession, Jane had just been a regular proper young lady who had assumed she would marry one day and never considered anything else.

But after her mother’s revelation, everything had changed for her. Since she had vowed to never marry, she started to think anew about the position of women in society and question everything. Part of it came from a desire to not be bitter about her choice and find the silver lining in it. And now, she didn’t think she couldevergo back to being a conventional lady like Lucy.

The best thing about having such startling views was that most gentlemen despised them. Therefore, all she had to do most of the time was make a provocative comment or two, and they would look alarmed and retreat. It had become a self-defence mechanism and a way of spurning suitors.

Now, she couldn’t imaginenotbeing able to speak so frankly. It had become second nature.

Jane sat back, interested to hear what he would say. Would he mumble some excuse about being late for an appointment, saying he must be on his way? It wouldn’t surprise her. Lord Carlisle was being strangely persistent with her, but this might change everything.

The strange thing about it was that she wasn’t sure how she would feel if he did make his excuses and run. Sheshouldfeel relieved. But considering how contradictory her feelings had become towards the man, she just wasn’t sure any longer.

She waited, her breath catching in her throat, to hear his response.

“I have never given such things much thought,” he said eventually, in a hesitant voice. “But the way you express yourself is refreshing, Lady Jane. And yes, I suppose it is true, that if a lady is clever and spirited enough to attain any of those things, then she should be able to.”

Jane smiled slowly. He hadn’t made an excuse to run. She felt inordinately pleased. Perhaps Marianne was right—there may well be more to Lord Carlisle than met the eye. Once again, she wondered why she cared. And shereallyshouldn’t be encouraging him like this. But it was all too late now.


Percy walked out of the Metcalfe’s house, whistling under his breath. The call upon Lady Jane had gone better than he had hoped.

He climbed into his carriage, thinking about her as he headed back to the lodging house. She seemed to be thawing towards him. Admittedly, she hadn’t wanted to accept the brooch at first, but she had changed her mind. All in all, he thought the visit had been a success.

She was such an unusual woman, he ruminated, as the carriage headed through the town. He had never heard a lady express such progressive views about the emancipation of women before. He couldn’t help remembering the fervour in her eyes as she spoke, the clear intelligence, the forthright manner in which she expressed herself. Her green eyes had shone with conviction.

He really was liking her more and more every time he spoke with her.

Freddie was in the hotel parlour when he got back, his head buried in the newspapers as always. Percy sat next to him.

“How did the visit to Lady Jane go this time?” asked his friend, putting the papers aside. “Did she turf you out?”

Percy laughed. “No, she did not,” he replied. “She accepted my gift. I think it went rather well. The botched proposal seems to be a fading memory, thank the Lord.”

His friend stared at him curiously. “I think you might like her, old friend. More than you have liked any other lady. You seem filled with a sense of vigour and fire.”

“I do like her,” said Percy, frowning slightly. “I have already said so. I think she would be well-suited to the role of my wife and countess. She is beautiful and clever, so that is a bonus.”

Freddie laughed. “That is not what I am saying, Carlisle. I am saying that you might be falling a little in love with her.”

Percy reeled back. He felt offended, although he knew that Freddie was just teasing him. His old friend was very well aware of his feelings about romantic love, although he had never told Freddie why he possessed them.

“I am not falling in love with her, old chap,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady. “The thought is ludicrous.”

“Then why did you spend so long searching for the perfect gift?” teased Freddie. “Anyone would think it averyromantic gesture. It shows that you care what she thinks. That you want to impress her.”

Percy blinked rapidly. “Of course, I want to impress her. I want to make her my wife, and this is the only way possible. She has rejected the blunt way I proposed to her. She needs wooing. That is the sum of it, old chap.”
