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“I know you have a preference for Lady Jane Metcalfe,” she continued, biting her lip. “You pay her a lot of attention. But she is deceiving you, my lord. Her heart belongs to another.”

Stunned, he sat back in his chair. “You have shocked me.”

“It is a secret love affair,” continued the lady in a furtive whisper. “I declare it shocked me when I found out, as I have always believed she disdained the attentions of gentlemen. She is a confirmed spinster, as I have told you before.”

She paused dramatically. “Lady Jane is in love with Charles Crawford, and he is in love with her. It has been going on for quite a while.” She lowered her voice even more. “I believe she has compromised herself with the gentleman.”

Percy’s jaw dropped. He hadn’t expected her to say that. Jane had always claimed that Crawford’s pursuit of her was unwelcome. She had told him Crawford was just a friend, even though the gentleman was in love with her. Percy had been jealous of their relationship at first, but his unease had been put to rest. Now, it roared to life again.

His mind was whirring. Had this been the reason all along? Was the whole story about how she could not marry him because of her mother’s deathbed revelation just a lie or a convenient excuse to hide the true reason?

Had she been having an affair with Crawford from the start?

“I can see I have shocked you,” said Miss Prescott, biting her lip. “I do apologise. But I have become friends recently with Mr Crawford, and he has confided in me about it. I thought you deserved to know.” She lowered her voice again. “They have secret trysts in the hayshed behind his uncle and aunt’s house. I saw her leaving there myself just the other day. And Mr Crawford is waiting there for her now.”

Percy felt sick. “He is there now?”

She nodded. “He told me that they are meeting within the hour.”

He stood up. “I do apologise, Miss Prescott. But you will have to finish your tea without me.” He grabbed his hat and gloves.

The lady looked shocked. “You are leaving? What about your friend?”

Percy smiled grimly. “If you could just tell him that some urgent business arose, and I will see him back at the lodging house.”

He didn’t wait to listen to her reply. He was out the door before she could barely draw another breath.

She had told him that Crawford was at this hayshed now, waiting for Jane. He could easily find out where it was. He was going to either have it out with the man or see Jane with him with his own eyes. He needed to know the truth. His blood was boiling, and he could barely think straight. Had she been playing him from the beginning?


He had a little difficulty finding the hayshed, but eventually, he saw it. It was quite a distance from the main house. Secluded. His heart tightened. The perfect place for a lover’s rendezvous.

And there was Crawford, leaning against a haybale, just as Miss Prescott had claimed he would be. The man looked startled to see him, then angry. He straightened his shoulders as if he were preparing for a fight.

Percy marched towards him. His heart was racing erratically, and adrenaline was coursing through his blood. He just wanted to punch the man in the face, but he knew that he must control himself. He needed answers first.

“Lord Carlisle,” said Crawford in a slightly mocking tone. “Now, why are you here at this humble hayshed? It seems a little off the beaten path for you.”

“I am here because I want the truth,” glowered Percy. “Are you meeting Lady Jane here? Have you been meeting her here all along?”

The man gave a short laugh. “That is really none of your business, my lord! Jane and I have a very long, deep friendship. I have known her since she was a child. And you have only been here for five minutes by comparison. You do not know her the way that I do, and you never will.”

Percy’s hands balled into fists by his sides. “I do not care if you have known her longer. It means nothing. And you have not answered my question.”

“Why do you care so much?” Crawford’s voice was taunting. “You are a cold fish, Carlisle. You will just move on to the next lady if Jane is unavailable, without even a backward glance.”

“I care for her,” growled Percy, his heart hammering in his chest. “And by Jove’s beard, I will have an answer!”

“It is true,” spat Crawford, his eyes narrowing. “We meet here all the time. We are having an affair. You really should move on to the next lady, Carlisle. Jane is taken.”

Percy felt like a sledgehammer had just hit him in the chest. He stared hard at the man. Crawford was sweating, and his eyes were shifty. It looked like the man was lying, but how could he know? Maybe he was just wanting him to be lying so badly that he was imagining it.

“If that were true,” he said in a ragged voice, “then why does it have to be a secret? Why do you not just declare it to the world?”

Crawford’s face flickered. “Because Jane has this silly idea that she wants to remain a spinster. But our passion often overtakes her. I will talk her around eventually. It will be easier once you are out of the picture and not distracting her. You should just take it on the chin, Carlisle, and leave her alone.”

Percy shook his head angrily. “I cannot do that. And I do not believe a word you are saying. Jane has told me that you have declared yourself to her, and she has denied you. She told me that you are not taking it well and will not let it go. I think that you are trying to force me out of the picture, so you do not have competition, Crawford.”
