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“Nah, I don’t believe it for a minute, Cuz,” Aiden said before he shook his head. He grabbed his beer bottle from the table and took a gulp. Declan gazed around the welcome home party for Gwenn and Kera. All the Ryan sisters were here, as were Declan’s brothers and most of his cousins.

Bree’s mom was still in Brazil for work and unfortunately missed out on everything. He wondered how emotional Bree’s sisters at the airport had been two nights ago. Normally, he would’ve known because he would have trailed along with Bree to pick up her sisters. And if he couldn’t make it because of his work, Bree would have checked in with him throughout the day. How he missed her calls in the morning. Waking up with Bree’s voice… it was the best thing. And then he fucked it all up.

“I don’t know how to fix this. Fuck. I’m normally real good at fixing things. Mending critical situations, bringing people together—it’s what I do for a living,” Declan said, shaking his head.

Aiden ran his hand through his hair again. “Bree’s hurting. She keeps her distance. But she’s obviously still in love with you. Anyone with eyes can see that. I always wondered how you didn’t see it.”

“Maybe I did see it. I was a dumbass for not acting on it…. But it doesn’t matter anyway if she always loved me and if I always loved her back or not. Bree’s no longer in love with me. She’s dating that chump from work.”

He looked over at Bree, who stood at the bar, now talking to Fianna. Bree’s raven curls were bouncing over her breasts while she waved animatedly during her story. Her black dress showed off her curves, and he took his fill. Declan couldn’t look away when she glanced over her shoulder and their eyes met. Bree broke their eye contact first and started a conversation with Aiden’s brother, Keenan, who’d joined them.

Declan drowned the rest of his beer and clanked his bottle on the tabletop.

“Aye, stop staring and get yer arse over there.”

Declan winced at the booming sound of his grandfather’s voice. Pops sat his colossal frame down at Ronan’s vacated spot and swirled his whiskey glass in his calloused hand on the tabletop. After narrowing his bushy gray brows at Declan, he jutted his chin at him.

“Can’t stand seein’ our Squirt with anyone other than ye, Dec. It not only pains me eyes, it hurts me heart.”

Declan’s own heart squeezed the moment Bree’s nickname fell from his grandfather’s lips. Their families were still close, and it made their situation even more difficult.

“She’s happy, Pops.” It pained Declan to admit.


Declan searched his grandfather's eyes that showcased such confidence, like he had some inside information.

“Did you have a talk with Bree?”

“Yes. Seems like I’m doing all ye work, boy. Talked with her just now.”

Declan followed Pops’ eyes in Bree’s direction. Bree’s eyes widened, but she almost instantly turned her head from him. It spooked him she’d been out last night with her colleague. His talk with Cait had made him see maybe he could go after what he wanted. But tonight wasn’t the most ideal night to talk with Bree.

“Told her what I’ve been telling ye arse: youse two belong together.” Pops slammed his fist on the tabletop, making Aiden and Declan jump in their seats.

Pops shook his head. “Don’t know why ye out here, sittin’ with ye cousin. Or out talkin’ with ye twin. I’m comin’ for Ronan next. All those lasses… not one will make him forget Fianna.”

“He should know by now, he’s had plenty of girls since—” Aiden chuckled before Pops gave him a smack to the back of his head.

“A damn disgrace is what it is. A girl like Fianna. Or Bree. How can me own boys hurt them both like that? First Ronan cheats on Fianna. Breaking me lass’ heart. Then ye go on and tell Bree ye don’t love her. I’m telling ye… If I die of a sky rocketed blood pressure, it will all be yer fault.”

Pops’ round cheeks were blazing red, and his eyes sparkled with fire.

“Somewhere along the way, we all messed up in bringin’ ye boys up to manhood. How could me boyos do something like that? I just don’t understand.” He clutched his hand to his heart and Declan shot off his seat to kneel in front of him.


“Nothin’ the matter, Boyo. I just need to calm down. Didn’t mean to scare ye.”

“I don’t like this. Are you feeling pain in your chest? How about your arms?” Declan assessed his grandfather like he would any other person on a call. He could give his grandfather CPR, but he’d rather get him to the nearest hospital straight away.

“Don’t treat me like I’m sick. I’m just upset!” Pops roared.

“If ye had spoken to Bree, yer heart would have been broken too.”

“Pops…” Declan started, but he couldn’t find the right words.

“What? Am I wrong here? Am I the only one who saw little Squirt and G.I. Joe runnin’ after each other ever since they were yee high?” He waved his hands in the air at the height of two small children. Pops talked like they were still the same children. But Bree was a twenty-six-year-old woman now. She was dating her colleague, Craig. And Declan… he was still secretly pining over Bree.
