Page 21 of Lost Royal

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I fucking hate this bullshit.

But if I have to sacrifice this kid to keep the Knights’ sights away from Octavia… It’s not a competition.

I continue toward the master, opening the other doors as I go to make sure there isn’t anyone else here.

Mav is on my heels as I enter the master and find Dominic fast asleep. I grab the guy's phone from the dresser and pocket it. Best way to avoid any accidental texts or calls. Mav pulls his gun and points it at Dominic’s head as he covers the guy’s mouth with his free hand.

“Dominic,” I bark out, and his eyes open instantly. They go wide with fear as he takes in the gun and Mav hovering over him. “You’ve been summoned by the Knights to the Snake Pit. If you shout, or try to evade us, we’ll have to kill you. I’d really rather not, especially with Sofie down the hall. So let's do this like men, shall we?”

I hate using the girl against him, but this will go better for us all if it happens quietly.

Dominic nods once and Mav releases his mouth. “I already asked for an extension, Diesel granted it. Why are you doing this?”

“We’re following orders. Now get out of bed, slowly. My friend is a little trigger happy,” I say, as Mav smiles maniacally at him. The shiver that racks Dominic’s body is almost audible, it’s so visceral. He climbs out slowly, in his pajama pants and tank top. At least he’s dressed.

That makes this easier.

We head out of the room, Dominic first with Mav behind him, gun pointed at his back, and I follow them out.

When we reach the ground floor, Finn joins us and ties Dominic’s hands and feet with zip ties before gagging him. I look at Mav who nods, holsters his gun, and fireman-carries the guy out to the car, leaving me with Finn.

“Ellie is on her way.”

“Good,” I say, nodding. “You stay here till she arrives. I’ll take him to the pit and stay to make sure he leaves alive, even if not in one piece. The less that little girl knows about all of this the better. Meet us there when Ellie arrives. Use her car, we know that it doesn't have a tracker.”

He nods once and I turn, knowing he’ll handle things here while I deal with whatever horrors await us at the Snake Pit.

I just hope I can live up to my word and keep this guy alive for that little girl. No kid deserves to grow up without their parents, and I’m going to try my damnedest to ensure she doesn’t end up an orphan.

* * *

My alarm goes off and I groan as I hit the screen of my phone, bleary-eyed. I take in the time and groan again. I barely got an hour of sleep after last night’s activities.

While I’m pissed I barely slept, I’m glad I managed to ensure that the guy got home to his kid, even if he was more than a little bloody. Diesel isn’t a guy you want to cross, and apparently Dominic tried to extend one too many times. I get the feeling if I hadn’t insisted on staying, he’d probably be in a shallow grave somewhere this morning. The advantages of being a legacy and not just a pawn piece.

I roll out of bed and into the shower in my ensuite. I keep the spray ice cold, trying to shock myself into some semblance of consciousness, and run a hand over my face in an effort to wipe away the last of the sleep before turning the temperature up. I stand under the hot spray and try to wash away the stains last night left on my soul.

I already know I’m beyond saving, I lost hope of that a long time ago, but I try to counter the dark shit with things like looking after that little girl as much as I can. The world is too broken. I know I can’t fix it all, but if I can keep some people from the darkness that’s overtaken my life, then I will.

After spending too long in the shower, I rush through my morning routine and head to school. By the time I pull into my space in the lot, I’m exhausted and caffeine deprived.

Today is not going to be a good day.

Mav pulls in on his bike as I’m climbing from my Porsche, and Finn is already waiting, leaning against the door of his Aventador. At least some things never change.

They meet me at the hood of my car, each of them looking as exhausted as I feel. Not that anyone here would dare say a word.

“Lincoln!” I wince at the screech of my name, turning to see Blair practically skipping in our direction. I hate that we tried to make a deal with her—not that she knows it was all to help Octavia—especially now that she thinks we’re friends. Maybe once upon a time, but the person she’s become just isn’t someone I want to associate with. Her thirst for what the Knights can offer her and her family tells me all I need to know, and it’s enough to know that she isn’t my kind of people.

“What do you want, Blair?” I snap, too tired to deal with her bullshit today.

She flinches, her step faltering a little, but only for a second before shaking it off and squaring her shoulders as she stops in front of us. “I want to know what your next steps are? I heard about Friday. This is the perfect thing to get her gone.”

“We’re done, Blair. Plan’s changed.” I don’t mean to be a giant asshole, but it’s a switch that got stuck on a long time ago and just won’t turn off anymore. “Back off of Octavia.”

She jolts back, looking like I just hit her. “But we had a deal. I need this, Lincoln. You can’t just change your mind!” She stomps her foot and I roll my eyes. She looks like a toddler having a tantrum. The quiver of her lip doesn’t escape me, but she’s deluded if she thinks that’s going to work.

“Shit happens.” I shrug and lean back against my car, folding my arms across my chest.
