Page 22 of Lost Royal

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It takes her a moment as her gaze bounces from me to Finn to Mav to realize that I’m being serious. Once she does, that cold, calculating bitch stare washes over her features. There’s the Blair I know she is deep down. She really would have done well with the Knights.

I just wish I knew why they rejected the suggestion of her and Nate replacing Octavia. There has to be more to it than just keeping us three in line. “You’re going to regret this.”

She flicks her hair before turning and stomping away from us. Mav starts to laugh beside me while Finn shakes his head. “We should head inside; I need coffee.”

“Sounds good,” Finn says, grabbing his bag from his car.

“Can I throw my shit in your trunk?” Mav asks. I nod, unlocking the car with the key fob. He puts his jacket, helmet, and boots in my car, changing into the shoes in his bag before throwing that in there too. “Let’s do this.”

I lead the way up the stairs with both of them flanking me, and the sheep part like they’ll shrivel up and die if they get too close to us. Almost no one here knows about the Knights, but everyone still seems to be able to sense the danger that rolls off us in waves.

Even Blair's friends don’t know what she was trying to get wrapped up in.

If only she knew the true cost, I’m not sure she’d be so eager to join the sect.

We head to my locker, banners everywhere for the upcoming Homecoming dance, and I roll my eyes. I am so done with this dance bullshit already. Listening to the girls in this school titter on about it for the last few weeks, about who will be homecoming queen… I’m so over it. As I close my locker, having grabbed my books for the morning, I notice Indi, Octavia’s new friend, saunter past us and head to her locker. I look around, but Octavia isn’t anywhere to be seen. “Either of you know where Octavia is?”

Mav shakes his head. “No, I haven’t seen her since she kicked us out of her place over the weekend.”

Finn shakes his head once and glances down at his phone. I feel like I’m missing something with him, but I’m sure it won’t be long until he spills whatever’s on his mind. I move across the hall to where Indi stands at her locker and lean against the one beside hers.

She sees me standing there and turns to face me, crossing her arms over her chest. “You were supposed to look after her after Friday. Not piss her off more.”

I guess they really do share everything.

“Wasn’t my intention, Octavia just has a way of getting under my skin,” I tell her honestly. No point in hiding from her, especially if she’s dating the twins again. Chances are, she knows more than she’s meant to. Between them and Octavia, she probably knows more than most.

“Well try harder,” she says, slamming her locker shut. “Was there something you wanted?”

“Where is Octavia?”

She quirks a brow at me before barking out a laugh. Apparently Octavia really is rubbing off on her new friend. Awesome. “She’s staying home today. After Friday she didn’t care to face the student body. Especially since Raleigh was posting over social media that he’d be back in today. I guess whatever your boys did to him wasn’t enough to keep him down for long.”

I glance over my shoulder at Finley and Mav, who look about as shocked as I feel at the news. They worked him over pretty well, so the fact that he’ll be back today… not something I expected.

“Thank you for telling me.”

She nods once before heading down the hall toward her class. The other two join me as I let out a deep sigh. “Apparently, she’s staying home today.”

Mav claps his hands together, smiling. “So we’re skipping too? With everything going on, it’s not safe for her to be home alone all day. Not with all four of us here.”

I nod, because there’s no way in hell I’m leaving her vulnerable like that. Finn looks like he’s going to say something, but thinks better of it, “We should grab coffee and breakfast on the way.”

“Sounds good to me. You get breakfast, I’ll get coffee?” He nods. “Awesome. Mav, you head straight to her place. The less time she’s alone the better.”

He grins like a Cheshire fucking cat at the command. “Oh goodie. Octavia in the morning is fun to play with.”

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