Page 33 of Lost Royal

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This week has been fucking torture. Between arguing with Lincoln, dealing with my goddamn father, trying to look into this stalker with the PI Linc and I hired, and kind of coming clean with V then her icing me out… I’m beyond ready for it to be done.

I also need to try and find a way to apologize to V. I’m not sure she wants to see me. She iced me during class yesterday, only speaking when absolutely necessary, and I haven’t heard from her otherwise.

Not that I blame her; I’d be pissed if I was her too. I might not have played a part in what sounds like the torture those little fuckers put her through, but I knew they were trying to make her leave, and I didn’t do anything to try and stop them.

I’d like to say that I was just trying to keep her safe—that because I’m not a Knight, I wasn’t as involved—but that’s just a bullshit cop-out. I might not be a Knight, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know almost as much about them as Linc and the others. It also doesn’t mean that I couldn’t have fought the others harder when they came up with their little plan.

I hate my father for having put us in this position, for making me keep even more fucking secrets. I hate this place and everything it stands for. But mostly, I hate that I don’t think I’m going to be able to get Lincoln, or any of them, free and clear from the grasps of those controlling them.

That was my plan once upon a time; once I discovered I wouldn’t be taking the Saint seat at the table, when I learned there might be a way out, I wanted to get us all out.

Then Stone took Octavia away, and I thought I could really do it. I thought if he could find a way, so could I.

And then the boys were taken.

That’s when I knew I was too late.

The Knights already had them. By the time they came home two weeks later, none of them were the same. I knew they never would be again.

None of them ever spoke about what happened while they were gone, but I knew it was the Knights.

I stare back down at the mountains of pictures that have been delivered to V, trying to work out if there’s anything that could give away who is stalking her. There are so many more than she’s seen because Linc started intercepting them before she could.

I know at first he took them because he thought he was fucking with her. But when he saw what was inside the envelope he took, he pulled me in on it and we called Lucas, a PI we discovered that has zero ties to the Knights. Not the easiest person to find, especially with their reach being as wide as it is, but there are some advantages to me not being a member. This was one of them. I’m not watched. Well, not as closely as Linc is anyway.

Fuck this. I’m not getting anywhere just staring at these pictures.

I need to speak to Smithy. I need to know if he’s seen anything, but I don’t want to bring him in any further than he already is. The last thing I want is anything else happening to him. Her house being broken into and Smithy ending up in the hospital wasn’t the boys, that much I know, which means it was the Knights. Likely a warning for him to remember his place.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were the reason for his sister being in the hospital either. Their reach is wide, and crossing them isn’t typically a wise move. I’m not sure what Smithy did to end up on their radar the way he did, but maybe he saw something that connects to this and he hasn’t said anything just in case.

God, that sounded convoluted even in my own head.

I head over to the Royals’ house, half hoping I’ll get the chance to speak to V, but also not holding my breath. She’s nothing if not stubborn. Not that I blame her, but how can I make it better if she won’t let me explain?

That is a problem for later. Right now, I need to focus on dealing with the sicko hunting her. She has enough psychopaths in her life already, she doesn’t need any more.

I head through the back gate between the properties and find Smithy in the garden, tending to the flower beds by the kitchen. “Smithy, my man! Good to see you.”

“Master Saint!” he exclaims, squinting up at me as the sun beats down on my back in the late afternoon. He stands, brushing himself off. “What brings you here?”

“I wondered if you had a few minutes to talk about Octavia.”

He frowns at me, and I swear I feel like a kid again, being scolded by him for touching the cookies when they were still cooling. “I’m afraid, Master Saint, that she is rather displeased with you. Well, all of you, really. She’s out with Miss Indi today.”

My smile falters, but I put it back on. I might not be a Knight, but I’m still a Saint, and I’m all too familiar with wearing a mask of emotion. “That’s fine. I need to speak to you about her anyway. It’s probably best she isn’t here for this.”

“Okay then, let’s head inside and I’ll sort some refreshments. Iced tea?”

I nod, my smile a little more genuine this time. “Sounds great.”

Following him inside, I close the door, enjoying the cool air from the a/c as it washes over me. I lean on the counter while he pours the drinks, trying to sort out everything in my mind. Do I just tell him all about the stalker, ensure that he’s as aware as we are, or keep him safe and just ask questions?

The bigger question is, which option will keep V safest? Because as much as I love Smithy, she is my priority. Even if she doesn’t know it yet.

* * *
