Page 34 of Lost Royal

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The guys all pile into the kitchen this morning as Mrs. Potts is serving up breakfast. “Don’t forget I’m not around much this week. I’ve put dinners in the fridge for you for the week, but other than that and breakfast tomorrow before school, you’ll need to fend for yourselves.”

“We got this, Mrs. P.” Mav grins cheekily as he drops a kiss into her hairline, taking the plates from her hands and sitting down at the table with me. She mothers over him, clucking as he charms the socks off of her—the little psychopath—before disappearing into the laundry room.

I dig into my eggs as they all sit down. “You guys got in late last night.”

“Don’t we know it,” Linc grumbles. “We were out on an errand that ran long.”

Well, that explains it. They don’t talk much to me about what it is they do for the Knights, but I know Lincoln doesn’t sleep much anymore. Though, from what I’ve managed to piece together about the Knights, I’m not sure I would either.

Guilt slams into me once more over him being the one carrying the mantle. Not that I had much choice about it—a secret I am prepared to take to my grave, even if he resents me for it. It’s better than him knowing the truth.

“Something big happened though. Not sure what’s going on, but all recruitment has been paused,” Linc adds, and my eyes go wide. “Means V should be safe for a little longer, but Dad was flipping his shit last night. Apparently being the head honcho of our sect isn’t all roses right now.”

“Serves him right for being a giant fucking cunt.” Mav shrugs before plowing into his food—you’d think he’d never eaten before, Jesus fucking Christ. He isn’t wrong though.

“Well, I’m not going to be sad about it. If things stay down for long enough, maybe you guys will catch a break.” I look around at them, each of them nodding while they eat.

Lincoln stays quiet while Mav snorts. “Gives me time to dream something up for Mr. Peters.”

I groan. “What does that mean?”

“He got his dick out in front of V. Told her he’d pass her if she would play with him.”

My jaw drops seconds before the burning anger takes root in the pit of my stomach. “He did fucking what?”

Mav shrugs while Linc fills me in. “It’s our own fault. Everything we did to get her to leave. The tape, the attacks. Everything. But we tidy up our messes.”

“Attacks?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. “I think maybe it’s time you guys fill me in on just what you’ve been doing so there are no more surprises.”

Sitting back, I fold my arms, my gaze bouncing between them. Finn and Mav look to Linc, unsurprising really, but this means there’s likely something I’m going to be pissed about. We don’t usually keep secrets, but these last few months, I’ve known less and less of what they’ve been doing. Both with the Knights and V. I get it. I’m not one of them, but we’ve always been close. I hate that there’s so much I don’t know now, things I can’t help them with.

Lincoln starts talking, and I clench my fists as I try not to blow up. I manage to keep my cool through most of it. The car jacking, the sex tape, Mav’s threats—but when he finally admits to locking her in the closet, I lose my shit.

“Are you out of your goddamn minds?! Why would you do that to her? I know you were trying to protect her, but fuck! That shit was too far. Did you see what you did to her? How broken she was? Fuck you all.” I seethe quietly, trying to calm myself, while they all sit there looking thoroughly guilty.

“I hadn’t thought it was so bad till it was listed out like that,” Mav says sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “No wonder she won’t forgive any of us.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that he’s only seventeen. That Linc and Finn are only eighteen. Hell, that I’m barely twenty-two. Our lives are so fucked up. I take a deep breath, trying to remember everything V has told me about so far this year, when something pings in my mind. “What about the break-in at her house? The attack on Smithy. You didn’t mention that. Was that you?”

Linc shakes his head. “No. I think that was the Knights. She was ignoring them. That, or Smithy learned something he shouldn’t.”

“I’d had the same thought,” I say, nodding. “We really need to work out what it is they want from her. I know I’m not officially a Knight, but I don’t think keeping secrets is going to help anyone. I don’t give a shit if something happens to me. We just need to keep her safe.”

“Agreed.” Finn nods. “Her safety comes first.”

“Any luck with the stalker shit?” Linc asks, and I shake my head, hating that the answer is no.

“I haven’t heard from Lucas yet either. It’s on my list of calls to make today.”

“Okay, well you do that. We didn’t get much sleep last night, so I’m heading back to bed. Any idea what V is doing today?” Lincoln asks, glancing around the team.

“I volunteer as tribute!” Mav grins as he drops his fork on the table, “Maybe I can get her to forgive me for the whole taking her virginity thing.”

“I’m sorry, what?” I growl. The punches just keep rolling today.

Mav shrugs, standing before moving to the counter to grab his crap. “Shit happens. We all know any one of us would be happy to carry that ticket. Don’t be pissed ‘cause it was me. I just need to get her to forgive me so I can do it again. I like that no one else has had her.”

He leaves out the back, leaving me gawking after him, wondering what the fuck just happened.

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