Page 62 of Lost Royal

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“She’s just in the living room. We were, as you youngsters call it, binging television.” His footsteps echo on the wooden flooring as he walks toward me, and I pull my blanket up a little higher. He might think I can use a refresher. Little does he know that going to the range is something my dad and Mac insisted we do weekly.

He steps into the room, hands in his pockets, and stares at me. I smile at him, batting my lashes while trying not to laugh. He rolls his eyes at me before speaking. “Well?”

“Well what?”

“Do you want to come to the range?”

Usually, spending any time with just him would make me want to be a little sick, but the thought of going to the gun range makes butterflies take flight in my stomach. It’s been too long since I went, and Dad would be super disappointed in me for not keeping it up. Much like all of my defense stuff.

I make a promise to myself to start up my training again in the new year before jumping up from the couch. “Give me ten to get dressed, then sure.”

He nods in response and I practically skip up the stairs. I am not a gun nut, but there is something about holding a firearm that makes a girl feel powerful. And after everything that’s gone on since I’ve been back here, I could use a little dose of that. Plus, this might be the perfect opportunity to pepper him with questions.

I grab a pair of jeans, a tank, slip on a V-neck sweater, and pull on my boots. I flip my head upside down and gather my hair in a messy ponytail, trying to make sure my extensions aren’t too visible before heading back downstairs, where I find Lincoln watching my crime show with Smithy.

I smirk to myself. I knew the old man was secretly loving this show.

“Ready,” I call out before I hit the bottom stair and bounce into the room. I grab my leather jacket from the security room where I left it and head back through to the living room where Lincoln is waiting.

He looks me up and down and nods when he apparently decides I meet his standards.


“I’ll catch you later, Smithy.” I lean down and kiss the old man's cheek as I grab my phone and keys from the coffee table.

“Have fun, both of you. Let me know if you’ll be out late, please.”

I grin at just how paternal he can be sometimes. “Sure thing. Have fun!”

I give him a finger wave before following Lincoln out the back of the house and through the gate to where his Porsche sits in his drive.

He might be a douchebag, but I still love his car.

I slide into the passenger side once he unlocks it, sinking into the cloud-like seat, just as soft and comfortable as I remember it being.

He starts the car without saying a word and we make the drive in silence. I stare out of the windows as he drives me out past the other side of town and just keeps driving. “Should I be worried that you’re driving me out into the middle of nowhere to kill me without a trace?”

He looks over at me and smirks. “You’ve been watching too many crime documentaries. Anyway, if I was going to kill you, I’d have done it before now. And Smithy wouldn’t know you were with me either.”

“Reassuring, Lincoln, really reassuring.” I sigh, shaking my head. “So where are we going?”

“A private shooting range that a friend owns.”

I quirk a brow. What is it with him and just giving a little bit of the information but never really answering the question? “A Knight friend?”

“So you’re finally starting to believe the Knights are real, rather than a ploy then?”

“Did you really just answer a question with a question?” I counter, and he barks out a laugh, relaxing a little.

Point one for me I guess. Ice man finally melts a little.

He shakes his head, glancing at me before answering, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter. “No, the friend isn’t a Knight. I wouldn’t take you to a Knight freehold unless there was a gun to your head.”

I ruminate on his words and decide to answer his question too. “Yes, I’m starting to believe it, even though it’s entirely unbelievable. I mean, I believe they’re real, but I don’t think I believe that I’m in any danger from them. A few bouquets of flowers and a dress don’t exactly scream danger.”

“The most dangerous of things are usually unsuspecting.”

I mean, he’s not wrong. Silent but deadly isn’t a phrase for no reason.
