Page 63 of Lost Royal

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Deciding this is as good a time as any, I deliberate where to start. “Will you tell me more about the Knights? About what’s going on with you guys? It’s hard to just trust blindly, you know?”

“Octavia,” he groans. “Really?”

“Yes really. You guys haven’t told me much of anything, and I’m tired of being in the dark. I’m tired of reacting rather than actually being proactive. I’m aware I’ve walked around in a bit of a daze since my dad died, but that’s not who I am.”

He nods, and I feel a glimmer of hope. “You get three questions.”

Hell yes! I mentally do a fist pump, and try to decide which questions to ask since I only get three.

Holy shit this is harder than I thought it would be.

“Okay,” I start. “Three questions. First one… Who is in control of the Knights?”

He side-eyes me, letting out a deep breath. “I don’t know.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake!” I shout, throwing my hands in the air. “I should’ve known you wouldn’t have answered my questions. What is the point in asking me to trust you when it obviously doesn’t go both ways?”

His knuckles go white as he clenches the steering wheel. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, Octavia. It’s that I really don’t know. I’m just a junior, that means my knowledge, while vast, is still limited. I can tell you that the sect in Echoes Cove is run by the seven senior members of the Conclave. But the Conclave is overseen by the Regent. My father.”

My eyes go wide. I was not expecting that. Not even a little. Holy shit.

“Okay, so what does that mean for you? What do they make you guys do?” I pick at the skin by my thumbnail while I wait for him to answer. His jaw clenches, and that vein in his neck pulses as the silence grows thicker.

“That’s two questions,” he huffs. “But I’ll give you them as one. For me, it means my entire life is mapped out, whether I want it to be or not. I’m the Regent Heir, and as such, in charge of the junior Conclave. Not that I have any real power, Harrison wouldn’t allow that. As for what they make us do… It depends.”

I try not to get excited about the fact that he’s actually giving me information. My heart wars in my chest between glee at finding some answers and pain for him. But knowing Harrison could be the key to all of this could help. I don’t know how yet, but every little bit has to help. “On what?”

“That’s another question,” he says, quirking his brow. “But it depends on what they need. Sometimes we’re errand boys, collecting people, goods, and basically acting like mules for them. Others, it can be getting information…other times, it’s wiping a board clean while drowning it in blood.”

“Killing people?”

“Killing, maiming, torturing. All the things in life we really want for you.”

I look down at my hands folded in my lap, trying to process everything he’s told me, even with the sarcasm dripping from his last words. It’s good, getting information, it means I’m no longer walking around in the dark completely blindfolded, but I know this is just scratching the surface. But I’m going to take the win, because with Linc, this is a big win.

I contemplate a million different questions running through my mind, aware that I’ve had my three, but trying again anyway. “Are all legacies bound to them?”

“Yes. Usually.” He hits the blinker, taking the turn when the lights on the road allow before continuing. “I haven’t heard of any legacy getting out. Not until the deal your father made to get you free, and before you ask, I don’t know all the details of the deal either. All I know is that he made a deal, gave up his place, and in exchange, you were supposed to be out.”

I sit quietly, going over all of that in my head. What exactly did my dad do, give up, for me to be free? Just another question to add to my ever-growing list.

“Thank you,” I say quietly and he nods, not speaking any further.

We continue the drive in a weird but comfortable silence. I flick the stereo on, the radio helping to pass the time. It’s only when we pull into Sand Bay and head further into the city, that I relax a little. We weave our way through the city and finally, on the other side, he drives down a dirt road. A few minutes later, I see the building come into view and relax even further.

He pulls to a stop out front, silence filling the space between us.

“Come on, let’s go see if you’re any good with a gun, shall we?” He smirks again, like he thinks I’m going to be useless. I just nod, not bothering to tell him otherwise. Following him inside, I gaze around the front; it’s basically a gun store with a range out back.

“Will, good to see you,” Linc calls out, doing that weird guy chin-tilt nod thing to the guy behind the counter.

“It’s been a while, Linc, my man. And who is this pretty little thing?” His southern drawl makes my insides go funny. Damn, I love me a southern accent.

Lincoln looks back at me before scowling at his friend. “That is Octavia Royal, and no, you can’t play with her.”

“Says who?” I challenge, quirking a brow.

“Oh I like her.” Will grins, looking me up and down before turning back to Lincoln. “You need anything?”
