Page 118 of Caged Royal

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Well I mean, duh, Octavia.

“Okay,” I say, trying not to be disappointed. I know Finley won’t keep me on tenterhooks for too long. That’s Lincoln’s game.

“So the Conclave?” I ask as we start jogging up the hill.

He glances over at me, frowning again. “I’ll try and get some information from Chase, but considering his known stance on everything, I’m not sure how much use he’ll be either.”

Shit. “I need to speak to Chase anyway, so maybe I could ask him.”

“What the fuck do you need to speak to him about?”

We reach the crest of the hill and I could almost do a happy dance realizing the rest of the way home is downhill. “Blair came to speak to me. Nate needs a lawyer and funds for said lawyer. She asked me if I’d speak to him.”

“Does she know about him and East?”

“I doubt it, but who knows? This place is full of the worst kept secrets. She didn’t make out like she knew, so I’m assuming not.” He stays quiet for the rest of the run home and doesn’t say another word until I key in the code on my gate.

“Leave Chase to me. I’ll speak to him for Blair too. The less you have to do with the Knights, the better.”

He turns and stalks off up his drive without another word, leaving me staring at his back as he walks away from me. Just when I thought he was slipping out of asshole mode, he whips it straight back out.

One day I’ll understand Lincoln Saint, but today is not that day.

* * *

I end up not having any time to speak to Finley about what he learned about Panda’s accomplice, because my morning turned into a whirlwind of Indi having a meltdown over Alexander showing up in the Cove last night and being spotted by the Kings.

So when Blair accosts me at my locker, I know my day likely isn’t going to get any better. “Did you speak to Chase yet?”

“No, Blair. I haven’t spoken to Chase yet. Lincoln is going to speak to him, since he actually knows him.” I close the door to my locker and turn to face her.

She rolls her eyes at me and it takes all of my strength of will not to just slap the condescending look off her face. “You’ll never survive their world if you let them do everything for you.”

I let out a sigh and fold my arms across my chest. “If I want your advice, Blair, I’ll ask for it. Was there anything else?”

“I have an idea of how to bring Mikayla down, but you’re not going to like it.”

“Of course I’m not, you came up with it. But that was the whole idea. What’s the plan?”

She grins, and I swear my blood turns to ice. “It involves Raleigh.”

“Blair—” I start but she cuts me off.

“I know, he’s a monster. But he’s a monster I have on a leash, even if everyone thinks I don’t.”

I quirk a brow and lean against my locker. “I’m listening.”

She tells me her diabolical plan as we walk toward the library where I said I’d meet Indi to study over lunch.

“You’re twisted, you know that?”

“Thanks,” she grins. “So I won’t ask if you approve, but are you okay to do your part?”

I bite the inside of my cheek, just as a girl appears from the bathroom, still crying, clutching her blazer to her chest, her shirt in ribbons.

“I’m in,” is all I say before I approach the girl.

“Do you need a shirt?” I ask her, and she looks up at me, wide-eyed. Like she’s afraid of me.

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