Page 119 of Caged Royal

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“N…n…no,” she stammers, eyes darting around us like she thinks it’s an ambush.

I open the bathroom door and wave her in. “In.”

She scampers back into the bathroom, and I call in after her. “I’ll just be two minutes.”

I haul ass into the library, finding Indi at our usual table. “Do you have a spare shirt?”

“I always have spares. Why what happened?” she asks, looking me over, confused.

“Girl in the bathroom down the hall, shirt in shreds.”

She frowns harder. “I swear to God, we need to deal with Mikayla. If I wasn’t so opposed to just outright killing people…”

“I mean, fair, she’s the devil incarnate.”

“I never thought I’d miss Blair being the Queen Bitch. You wait here, I’ll grab the shirt and help the girl. You’re a little more intimidating than I am.”

My jaw drops and she laughs as she bounces away from me. While I’m glad she’s helping the girl, I hate the thought that the girl was scared of me.

I’m not intimidating.

I’m the nice Royal.

Or so I thought.


I chew on it, while I unpack my stuff onto the table. It’s only a few minutes before she flounces back in, all smiles. “All sorted, and Florence is all smiles again. She’s a sophomore, never had any issues, even tried out for the cheer squad and did okay. But apparently she looked at Mikayla wrong today.”

She drops into her seat opposite me and opens her text book.

“I’m not intimidating… am I?”

She bursts out laughing, literally holding her stomach as she cries with laughter. “V, I love and adore you. I know you’re like, the nicest human, but yeah, you come off as intimidating. And having those three at your side most of the time doesn’t help. You’re the girl who overcame and rose above. If anyone was going to be able to take the throne from Blair, it would’ve been you, but you don’t want it, so it fell to the she-devil.”

I shake my head, that’s so twisted.

“You have a very humble way of viewing who you are, and those around you, but from the outside, yeah you’re still Octavia Royal, The Nation’s Princess.” She shrugs and pulls a soda from her bag.

“I guess I thought everyone just kinda forgot about all of that. I’m just me.”

The doors to the library swing open, and the three dark knights in question enter like the three horsemen of the apocalypse—which feels oddly fitting for them.

Halloween idea next year!

Mav rubs his hand on the top of Indi’s hair before dropping to the chair next to her. She punches his arm and ends up shaking out her hand like it hurt.

We really need to teach that girl to fight properly.

Lincoln takes the seat between Indi and I and Finn sits on my other side. They both seem tense as fuck and my stomach knots.

What the fuck did Finley find in his search?

“Just tell me, I can’t take any more tension today. A girl my age should not live through this sort of stress.” I sigh, looking at Finn.

“Wait, what did I miss?” Indi asks, looking around the table.

“Finley found a lead on who was helping Evan when he took Octavia. He’s been tracing the Dranas lead, and with Luc’s help, we finally got some answers.” Lincoln’s voice is solemn and my heart pounds against my chest.
