Page 64 of Caged Royal

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We all ended up crashing at the Saints’ overnight, one giant puppy pile on East’s bed. It took some maneuvering but we made it work and I can honestly say I’ve never slept as soundly as I did. Even with the limited space. I woke up with each of them touching me in some way or another and I’ve never felt safer.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wake up and think of how much fun we could’ve all had together, but it was not to be.

Not yet anyway.

Though doing the walk of shame through our yards this morning was more than a little funny. Especially when I noticed our gardener out there a little too late. At least I was dressed, I guess. Even if it was in my school shirt and a pair of Lincoln’s sweats.

I looked fucking ridiculous, but it was cute that he offered them to me, even if it was just to walk back home.

The house is quiet since Smithy is spending the weekend with Matthew, so I pad through the house up to my room and take a quick shower, dressing in something comfortable before going down to make myself a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast. I know I can make that without breaking the kitchen, and after Maverick’s comment yesterday, I’m trying to remember to eat.

The way Panda used food against me apparently fucked with me more than I had realized. I never thought anything could fuck with my love for food. Apparently I was wrong.

But I’m going to try harder, and that has to count for something. Even if I’m not going to talk it out with anyone. I’d rather work my feelings out with the piano than with another human.

Especially a human I don’t know or trust.

Pretty sure any therapist I tried to explain my life to would call me a dramatic bitch that makes shit up since so much of this shit is freaking unbelievable.

Fuck it.

That’s what music is for.

My phone buzzes on the counter as I eat my bagel, and Indi’s name flashes on the screen.


On my way, figured we can grab food and coffee on the way. Breakfast burritos for the win!

Is everyone trying to feed me? Have I really been that out of it? I look at the few bites of bagel I’ve eaten and wince. They might be right.


Sounds good, I am here for that burrito.

I wrap the bagel and pop it in the fridge, I can snack on it later. Plus, that burrito sounds too good. My stomach gurgles almost in response and I frown. Maybe I have been neglecting myself a little bit without meaning to.

Dashing upstairs, I change into something more suitable for peopling and being outside. I finish pulling on my jeans as Indi buzzes at the gate. That was timing.

I rush down the stairs, pulling on a pair of boots as I shrug into my jacket, my hair in a messy bun on the top of my head. I’m sure the paparazzi would have a field day with how I look if they bothered to stalk me anymore.

Definitely not something I miss about my old life.

Having my life splayed across every tabloid on the planet isn’t something I look back on with any kind of fondness.

I reset the alarm and lock up before jogging down the drive and bundling into Indi’s waiting car. “Please tell me how you manage to look so put together and flustered all at once? Is there a secret I missed at orientation to being a girl?”

I laugh at her as I buckle in. “Shut up. Like you don’t look fabulous as shit for a hair appointment.”

She grins at me, sitting there in her leather-look leggings, black tank with skulls, and a long black cardigan. She’s a freaking pixie. “Fair point. You ready to go?”

I pat myself down, making sure I have my phone, wallet, and keys, then nod. “As ready as I’m going to be.”

“Awesome. Food, coffee, and hair. What else does a girl need?” She grins before pulling away from the curb.

“You sticking with your purple?” I ask casually as she drives, and she shakes her head.

“I’m thinking of going back to blue. I kind of miss it.”

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