Page 81 of Caged Royal

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“It was, but it made you laugh, so my work here is done.”

I kiss him softly. “Thank you, I needed the laugh considering where we’re heading.”

“You sure you’re up for this?”

“Watching my boyfriend being basically molested by the girl he’s been forced to get engaged to? Oh yeah, I’m all for it.”

He frowns at me, quiet for a minute. “You don’t have to come. I can go alone.”

“Not a chance. We haven’t hung out, just us, for too long. I just need to remind myself that he doesn’t want to be there.”

He cups my cheek, looking down into my eyes. “You have nothing to be jealous about. I guarantee he’s going to be the jealous one tonight.”

I smile up at him. “Let’s get this show on the road, shall we? Don’t want to be late, and we need to get there before they do.”

“Your carriage awaits.” He bows, and I laugh again, moving as he opens the door for me.

“I forgot how freaking low this car is.”

He grins at me as he rounds the car, climbing in and setting off to the city at a speed that makes my heart race. He grips my thigh between shifting gears, making my blood heat. We don’t speak much on the drive; nerves flutter in my stomach about keeping a lid on my crazy while I watch Lincoln with Georgia tonight, and Finn… well, he’s not exactly the talkative type.

I try to distract myself with the songs on the radio, and when we pull up to the valet parking in front of the restaurant, I let out a deep breath.


I smile over at him and nod. “Let’s do this.”

He climbs from the car as the valet opens my door. Finn’s there a second later, offering me a hand to help me out of the seat, and walks me inside the restaurant. The maître d’ smiles widely at us as the door closes behind us. “Mr. Knight, it’s a pleasure to see you again. Miss Royal, lovely to have you with us. Please, follow me, your table is ready.”

I quirk a brow at Finn who shrugs. Apparently the staff do their research on the clientele. Though I suppose if this is a Knight business, of course they know who Finn is. This ‘date’ will also help the story Lincoln floated of me being with Finley.

The maître d’ pulls out the chair for me and tucks me under the table as Finley sits opposite me. “Would you like something to drink?” he asks as he places a menu before each of us.

“Just water, please,” Finley says, and I ask for the same before looking at the menu.

“What the fuck is a mung bean?” I ask incredulously, and he laughs softly across from me.

“Not a fucking clue, but apparently this place loves them.”

He isn’t wrong. What even is this place?

At least they have steak. Can’t go wrong with steak.

Finn stiffens in front of me as he looks over my shoulder and reaches over to take my hand. “Don’t look now, she’ll see you, but Lincoln saw us already, too.”

My back stiffens and I swear I can feel the heat of Linc’s gaze even though I keep my eyes on Finley.

A server drops off our water and I focus back on the menu, trying not to look around at where they’re sitting.

“I spy with my little eye,” Finley says, and I look up to find him smirking at me. “A politician dining with an escort.”

My eyes go wide and I look over in the direction he nods.

“This place is discreet about pretty much everything,” he adds while I laugh softly.

“How do you know she’s an escort?” I ask and instantly regret it.

The laughter in his eyes dims a little. “My father.”
