Page 94 of Caged Royal

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His smile drops a bit and he moves to crawl onto the bed, pulling me back against him. “We deserve the break, V. You deserve the break. Yes, there’s a lot going on, but this is the story of our lives. There is always a lot going on.”

I snuggle into his chest. “I guess you’re right. It just feels weird. I haven’t even had my stitches out yet. East is in recovery. Should we be leaving him alone?”

“East will be fine, he’s a big boy. Plus Chase has put a layer of protection over him Knight-wise, so he should be good. We’ll only be gone a few days.” His murmurs make me feel a little better. “Plus, the idea of you on a beach in a bikini for four days is my version of a living wet dream.”

“You’re incorrigible.” I laugh, shaking my head.

“I am, but I’m also supposed to take you to see the doc before we fly, so get a shimmy on with your packing. Personally I’m happy for you to spend the entire trip naked, but I’m pretty sure you aren’t going to approve of my plan.”

“Definitely not.” I scoot out of his arms and throw a few days’ worth of stuff in the suitcase, along with an array of bikinis and anything else I might need, because a girl needs options. It doesn’t take long to get packed once my decision is made. “I think I’m done.”

“Awesome. Let’s get you to the doc so Lincoln doesn’t tear me a new one, then we’ll meet him and Finn on the runway.”

“How are we getting there?” I ask. Probably should’ve done that already.

He grins at me and I can’t help but laugh at the devilish look on his face. “Linc spoke to Smithy… we’re going in your jet.”

“Works for me. I don’t mind commercial, but life is so much easier flying private.” I shrug. I get why he asked Smithy, he wanted it to be a surprise and we might as well use it. It’s already paid for. “Okay, I’m good. Let’s go to the doctors and get my ribs checked, shall we?”

“Your chariot awaits.” He grins, waving me out of the room, my suitcase in his hand. I lift up on the balls of my feet and kiss his cheek.

Maybe this break is exactly what we need. I, for one, am going to use these four days to indulge in my three favorite F’s.




I let out a sigh. Four days with three of my guys sounds like bliss when I let go of the rest of my baggage.

Here’s hoping for smooth sailing.

* * *

The plane taxis onto the runway, a bumpier landing than I’d like, but vacation mode is fully in place, so I can’t find it in me to care too much. The doctor took out my stitches, so I’m left with a faint line on my ribs, my other injuries are healing nicely, and she seemed happy with everything.

So I’m going to try and take advantage of these few days away from reality. Fuck knows I need the brain break. Leaving East at home sucked, but he wasn’t cleared to fly, even though I asked at my appointment.

I swallow down the guilt and smile as Maverick grabs my bag. “Ready, princess?”

I look up at him, taking his outstretched hand. “Hell yes I am. Bring on the relaxation.”

They usher me off of the plane and into the waiting car.

“You really thought of everything, didn’t you?”

Lincoln smirks at me knowingly. “Did you even doubt me?”

Finley tucks me into his side and once everyone’s inside, we pull off through the city. It takes about an hour to reach the resort, but the giant buildings make me feel like a kid again. I’ve traveled to a lot of places, but I don’t know the last time I just went on vacation like this.

We climb from the car, and Lincoln heads inside to check us in while the greeter brings us watermelon smoothies that make me want to dance on the spot. The heat is beautiful and the sun feels so good on my skin. I tilt my head back and close my eyes, just soaking up the rays.

“How you doing?” Finley asks quietly as he wraps his arms around me from behind. Resting my head back on his shoulder, I suck in a deep breath of the fresh air and smile. “Don’t just tell me you’re fine. These last few weeks have been insane. It hasn’t even been a month since you were taken, and we’ve all been acting like everything is fine, just kept rolling with the punches. But I’m worried about you.”

“I’m okay,” I tell him honestly. “There’s a lot to process, and I should probably journal or something just to get some of it out of my head, but I’m okay. I’m not sure if that means I haven’t processed everything fully, or if I’m just repressing shit, but for right now, I just want to be here with you guys and enjoy these few days of bliss.”

He kisses my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. “Okay but if you need to talk, I’m here. And if you don’t want to speak to any of us, I know a good therapist.”

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