Page 95 of Caged Royal

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Shock sparks in me, but I’m not about to judge him for talking to someone. “A Knight therapist?”

“She is a Knight, but not like the others. She’s aware of the organization, but isn’t a part of it. Doctor Patient confidentiality goes a long way.”

“I’ll think about it, thank you.”

Lincoln appears, keycard in hand, looking almost relaxed. “Ready?”

I grin and nod as a golf-cart-style transport appears, the guy taking our bags before we climb in. There are only three other seats, so Maverick pulls me onto his lap, grinning at me as he does. I squeal as it takes off, Maverick laughing at me but tightening his grip anyway. We zoom through the giant resort, weaving through the villas and apartments, our driver pointing out various different pools and restaurants dotted around the place.

We pull up in front of a beach villa and the driver grabs our bags. Lincoln tips him before he zooms off, leaving us with our own little slice of paradise.

“Unpack and then beach?” Mav suggests, and I nod.

I am so ready for a little piece of peace.

* * *

This hotel room is everything. I mean, I have stayed in some very nice places all over the world, but it’s like all of my favorite things about traveling have been put in one very sunny location. It helps that everything here is catered to full-scale relaxation, and I feel like we all need this in our lives.

Especially right now.

I still can’t get over the fact that the four of them got together and planned this trip for me. I’m sad that East couldn’t come, but I fully intend on spending a ton of time with him when we’re home to thank him for his part in this.

I shut off the shower and wrap one of the big fluffy towels around me. There is something about a powerful shower after a day on the beach that is just revitalizing. I pad into the bedroom and find the three of them lounging in the room, waiting for me, in various states of undress. Even in Mexico, Finn hides his chest, and it hurts my heart. I hope one day, I can show him that his scars don’t define him. That he doesn’t have to hide. Until then, I’ll just continue to respect his boundaries.

“Shower’s free if you guys want it.”

Maverick just laughs at me, shaking his head. “Princess, it took less time for each of us to shower in the other bathroom, than it took for you to shower in this one.”

“Oh.” I grin as a blush spills across my chest. “I’m not even sorry.”

“We know.” Lincoln smiles as I pad over to the dressing table. They go back to their conversation while I blow out my hair. It’s impossible not to feel their heated stares on my skin. When I’m done, I realize they’re all watching me silently, so I turn to face them, biting my lip.

Finn tilts his head, leaning forward in his seat, hands clasped. “Want to play?”

My eyes go wide at the three words.

I can’t say I haven’t thought about playing with all of them, especially after the fun on Maverick’s birthday, but it’s not something I’ve pushed. Each of them have their own… quirks. I’m not about to make them play together if they don’t want to.

But I’m also not about to say no if it is something they’re up for.

Standing, I untie my towel and let it fall to the ground. I own my body, curves and scars included, and catch each of their gazes. “Do you want to play?”

Lincoln’s gaze fixes on the scar that runs across my ribs for a minute before looking back up at me. Everything in his eyes is exactly why I know I don’t need to hide from them.

Not anymore.

“You are… there are few words to describe you aptly.”

My entire body is on high alert—alive with those words—and judging by the various looks on their faces, mine is a visible reaction.

Lincoln is the first to stand, his lithe body unfurling like a panther, his gaze fixed on his prey.

That’s me.

I’m the prey and the feeling of being hunted is, in this instance, exciting, exhilarating.

Finn and Maverick are next, flanking their fearless leader like the trio of danger that they are.
