Page 3 of Burn

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“Thank you.”

“Not a problem. We’re here.”

I look out of the window, my eyebrows practically in my hairline, and take in the giant wrought-iron gates with a K in the center.

I ask myself, yet again, who the fuck did my mom marry?

The gates open and we drive onto the property. The driveway is a giant U shape, with gates at each side and a chunk of lawn in the middle with a giant oak tree in the center.Fancy.Not as fancy as the giant house in front of me though.

It’s like something out of a movie or a TV show.

Red brick surrounds the ground floor, lined with white columns to match the white doors and window frames. The top floor has light wood siding decorating it, with red brick chimneys coming from the gray-tiled roof.

There are so many fucking windows, and I’m pretty sure the place has fuckingwings.It’s a huge L shape, and I just can’t…

“If you give me a moment, I’ll grab your luggage and I can take you on a tour of the property,” Tobias says, chuckling softly at my slack jaw.

“Yeah okay,” I manage to get out as I just blink at the place. I wrack my brain, trying to work out if I know who the fuck the Kensingtons could be… but I come up blank. It’s not that I stick my head in the sand, but rubbing elbows with this part of society isn’t exactly something I’ve ever done.

Or wanted to do.

Climbing from the car, I spin in a slow circle, trying to acclimate my brain to the sheer size of this place. I follow Tobias through the double doors and into a giant foyer.

“The stairs to your left will take you up to the second floor where your bedroom is. On the left you have the theater room, the library, and Mr. Kensington’s office. To the right is the formal dining room, the kitchen, the morning room, and the staff quarters, but if you follow the hall down past the morning room, you’ll find your mother’s day room and a tennis court. As well as a mud room that leads out to the garage.”

“I’m going to get lost,” I mutter. This one floor has more rooms than our old apartment had. What the actual fuck?

“The other staircase to the left goes down to the basement, but I can show you that later if you like. There is a second media room down there, along with a climbing wall, full gym, spa area, a reading nook, and access to the basement level of the garage.”

“How many cars do you need to have to warrant a double-level garage?” I ask, not really expecting an answer as we climb the stairs.

“This side of the second floor is the master suite. Your mother has put you in the east wing. So if you’ll follow me,” he says as he heads down the long hall. “This room here is the laundry. If you ever need something and you can’t find anyone, this is where you’ll find extra towels and the like. Though, the rooms here are serviced daily unless you specify otherwise. This is Master Kensington’s room.” He tilts his head toward one of many doors and I nod, following him as we round the hall to the other side of the house.

“This wing is mostly empty unless Mr. Kensington has guests, but you were given the biggest suite available. It’s been left as a blank canvas for you as per your mother’s instructions. If you would like to decorate, please, just let me know. As the estate manager, I can help with anything you need.” I smile as he glances back at me, still more than a little flustered by all of this. “And this is your suite.”

He opens the door at the end of the hall and my eyes go wide. This room alone is bigger than our old apartment. It’s so bright from all the windows, and decorated in neutral colors, which just adds to the clean, giant look of the place—even if it does look pretty stark. “This is your sitting area, at the far right is your bath, you have your own small kitchenette in here since your mother said you like to have your independence. It’s not currently stocked, but if you let me know what you’d like in there, I’ll arrange for it.”

I blink in shock as he explains everything to me.

“And through this door is your bedroom. There’s also a second bedroom in here should you wish to have anyone stay. Do you have any questions?”

“An absolute fuck ton,” I blurt, then blush. “Sorry, this is all…”

“A little overwhelming?” he says kindly, and I nod. “I understand. I’ll let you get settled in. Your mother has arranged for your closets to be stocked, and Mr. Kensington arranged for your own bank account, so the card for that is on the kitchen counter. You have also been given access to the gold card account. If you need anything that goes over the expense limit on that card, just let me know and we’ll arrange for it. Hopefully this will all be suitable until you move into your dorm, and will be here for you whenever you want it.”

I gulp, what the fuck could I possibly want that goes over a limit on a gold card? Also, dorm? I’m moving into the dorms?

Just awesome. One more thing to worry about.

I realize he’s waiting for me to respond while I stand here like a mindless moron. “Thank you?”

He laughs softly. “Well, I’ll leave you to get acquainted. I’ll be in the staff quarters if you need me.”

He lines my luggage up against the wall and leaves me in the giant, bright space.

What sort of twilight zone have I just stepped into?

* * *
