Page 4 of Burn

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Still reeling from everything that’s happened today, I drop a text to Emerson. My phone rings instantly. I groan because I like talking on the phone about as much as I like pins in my eyes.


“Don’t youhellome, sweet cheeks. I’m at your apartment and it wasn’t you that answered the door. What the fuck?” she screeches down the line, and I smile. I might not have many friends, but Emerson is the closest thing to a friend I’ve ever had.

“Pretty much what I said when I landed to find out my mom got married over the summer and moved us out to Serenity Falls.” I sigh as I roll over on the giant cloud of a bed that’s in my room.

“Serenity Falls?” she squeals. “Holy shit, that’s…”

“It’s gross,” I tell her.

“Gross? Bitch, that’s where those houses I dream about are. And you’re living out there. Who did your mom marry?”

“No idea. Chase Kensington is the name I have but that’s literally it.”

She cackles down the line. “Typical Sofie move. I don’t recognize the name either, so I’m about as much use to you as taste buds in an asshole. Does this mean you’re not coming to college with me?”

I shake my head, then roll my eyes because I remember she can’t see me. “Nope. Apparently Chase has had me enrolled in Saints U out here.”

“Oh, shit!” she exclaims, and I can see the look on her face in my head. Her big brown eyes open wide with her statement red painted lips in an ‘O’. “Well, that sucks. This was supposed to be our fresh start, taking on the world with a big bang.”

“Don’t I know it. I think I’d rather pull my nails off with pliers than go to a preppy college full of snooty assholes.”

I hear the telltale sounds of her hitting the street, the crash of a door in the background. I miss the city already. “Well, since it’s Friday, and officially our last weekend before college starts, you want to hit a party with me tonight?”

A deep sigh escapes me. Parties are so not my thing.

“Come on, B. It’s one party and I haven’t seen you all summer. You should let loose just once. What’s the worst that could happen?” she whines down the line, and I roll my eyes, already knowing I’m going to give in. I don’t normally drink, so parties are pretty much a bust for me. Being the sober chick around a ton of drunk idiots isn’t exactly my idea of a good time. But really, what else do I have to do except walk around this empty monstrosity I’m now forced to call home?

“Why don’t you come here? We could do a movie night, you can check out the new house? Then you still get to see me and I don’t have to go to a party.”

I cross my fingers knowing it’s useless. Emerson is a friend, probably in the loosest form of the word, but she’s also the only one I have. She’s also not the ‘stay at home’ type, so I know I’ve basically wasted my breath before she even responds.

“Don’t be such a loser, Briar. Who wants to stay in on a Friday night when there’s a party with booze and hot guys? I thought you’d have loosened up with your summer away.”

Yep, called it.

Rolling onto my front, propped up on my elbows, I cave. “Fine, fine. Gives me an excuse to spend some time in the city anyway.”

“I mean, you could, except the party is out in Oakwood.” I can hear her grin down the line as I drop my head onto my arms.

Of course it is.

Why would it not be in the next town over? Oakwood isn’t as pretentious as Serenity Falls, but it’s still not great.

“Fine, fine. Way to not lead with that little snippet though.”

“You know I love you, really.”

“Uh-huh. Course you do.” I roll my eyes while flipping over onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. “Drop me the address and I’ll meet you there?”

“Sounds good to me! Can’t wait to see you.”

“Yeah, yeah. See you later.” I sigh and she ends the call.

Apparently I’m going to a party.

Yay me.
