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Asher rolls his eyes and shakes his head, but the smile on his face tells me he suspected as much. “There's a place around the corner that does the most amazing lobster rolls,” he says, and I shrug.

“Yes! Gino’s is amazing! Lobster rolls!” Sawyer bounces on the spot, his excitement contagious.

“I’ve never had them,” I offer. “So sure, why not.”

Sawyer looks at me like I have two heads. “You’ve never had a lobster roll? Oh, my God. You’re about to have a life-changing experience.”

He takes my hand and practically starts dragging me down the sidewalk. Asher takes my other hand in his, calling out to Sawyer to slow down a little so that we can all walk together.

It should feel weird being flanked by the two of them, especially since I’m holding hands with them both, but it doesn’t.

I’m not about to examine it too closely. Before I have a chance to get in my head too much, Sawyer is pushing through the door of Gino’s.

“Gino!” he calls out as he saunters through what looks like a closed restaurant and heads back into the kitchen.

“Erm, is he allowed to do that? Are we even supposed to be here?” I ask Asher, biting my lip as I take in the chairs still stacked on the tables.

“Gino is like an uncle to us,” he says with a small smile, taking off his shades. “We’ve been coming here since we were about three. Gino would be more offended if Sawyer didn’t burst in here like he owns the place.”

“Oh, well, okay then.” I nod, trying to take in the quaint little seafood restaurant. It’s exactly what you’d expect a waterside tourist spot to look like. All done in a nautical theme, whites and blues, even the tablecloths are in sailing stripes with little anchors.

It’s actually kind of adorable.

“Gino, this is Briar!” Sawyer calls out as the door swings open, and he returns with an older Italian guy who doesn’t look much older than Tobias. He has to be late thirties at most. “Briar, meet Gino. He makes the best lobster rolls in the entire world!”

Gino smiles at me as they head toward us before opening his arms for a hug.

One day, these people will realize I am not a hugger, dammit.

Reluctantly I step into his arms and hug the smiling man. “She’s beautiful, boys. Which of yours is she?”

“Neither,” I respond before either of them can, pulling back from the hug. His smile widens.

“Oh, I like this one.” He chuckles. “Sit, sit, I’ll bring you out some fresh rolls. Gino will look after you, bella.” He winks at me and laughs as he heads back to what I assume is the kitchen while Asher pulls down a few chairs for us to sit.

“Old guy is trying to steal my girl,” Sawyer says, almost put out.

“Not your girl,” I remind him, shaking my head.

“Not yet,” he responds with a wink.

Asher's phone starts to ring and he frowns at the screen. “Sorry, I have to take this. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

He answers the phone with a hello and Sawyer frowns as he watches his twin leave the restaurant.

“Everything okay?” I ask, feeling confused.

Sawyer shakes his head, but smiles through it. “I’m sure it's fine.”

He keeps up his inane chatter about the boat and heading out onto the water until Asher returns.

“Sorry you guys, I need to go.”

Sawyer’s face drops. “What’s wrong?”

“Dad needs some help.”

“He need me too?” Sawyer asks, but Asher shakes his head.
